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             rdfs:label "ParkingSpot"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:ParkingSpotPoint rdf:type owl:Class ;
                  rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Point ;
                  rdfs:comment "the position of aparking spot (its centre point) in terms of lat, long and alt"@en ;
                  rdfs:label "ParkingSpotPoint"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:ParkingSpotState rdf:type owl:Class ;
                  rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:State ;
                  rdfs:comment "A parking spot has a state. Possible values for parking spot state are Free, occupied, reserved, closed, charging"@en ;
                  rdfs:label "ParkingSpotState"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:ParkingVehicleState rdf:type owl:Class ;
                     rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:State ;
                     rdfs:comment "A vehicle can be found at different states (or parking phases) during parking . Possible values for parking state (or parking phase) of a vehicle are: At drop-off spot, at pick-up spot, driving to parking spot, driving to pick up spot, parking, parked, charging."@en ;
                     rdfs:label "ParkingVehicleState"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PassengerCar rdf:type owl:Class ;
              rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Car ;
              rdfs:comment "A type of car"@en ;
              rdfs:label "PassengerCar"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PerceptionState rdf:type owl:Class ;
                 rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:State .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PersonalDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                                s4auto:AutomotiveObject ;
                rdfs:label "PersonalDevice"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Platoon rdf:type owl:Class ;
         rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasDestinationEndPoint ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:EndPoint
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasIdentifier ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Identifier
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasMember ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Vehicle
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasPlatoonState ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:PlatoonState
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasRoute ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Route
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasSize ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Size
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                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasMaxSize ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom xsd:int
                         ] ;
         rdfs:comment "A group of vehicles automatically following each other at a relatively close distance" ;
         rdfs:label "Platoon"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PlatoonAutomationLevel rdf:type owl:Class ;
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:AutomationLevel ;
                        rdfs:comment "A level of automation is defined for a vehicle that it is platooning. For example, in the ENSEMBLE project  there are three levels of platoon automation defined: Level A, Level B, Level C. Level C represents the highest level of automation for platooning in terms of longitudinal and lateral control, shortest time gap supported, wider range of situations handled and support for merging of entire platoons."@en ;
                        rdfs:label "PlatoonAutomationLevel"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PlatoonPosition rdf:type owl:Class ;
                 rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Position ,
                                 [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                   owl:onProperty s4auto:hasPlatoonIndex ;
                 rdfs:comment "A vehicle member of a platoon has a platoon position that is defined as the index of the vehicle in the platoon starting from zero (leader) up to N (trailing vehicle)."@en ;
                 rdfs:label "PlatoonPosition"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PlatoonRole rdf:type owl:Class ;
             rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Role ;
             rdfs:comment "In platoon a vehicle can assume roles such as: unknown, leader, follower, ready-for-leading, trailing, etc."@en ;
             rdfs:label "PlatoonRole"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PlatoonState rdf:type owl:Class ;
              rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:State ;
              rdfs:comment "Examples of states for a platoon are: unknown, standalone, assembling, platooning, disengaging, etc."@en ;
              rdfs:label "PlatoonState"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PlatoonVehicleState rdf:type owl:Class ;
                     rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:State ;
                     rdfs:comment "Examples of states for a vehicle in a platoon are: unknown, standalone, engaging, platooning, disengaging, searching, forming."@en ;
                     rdfs:label "PlatoonVehicleState"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Platooning rdf:type owl:Class ;
            rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:PlatoonState ,
                            s4auto:PlatoonVehicleState .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Point rdf:type owl:Class ;
       rdfs:subClassOf geosp:Geometry ,
                       <> ;
       rdfs:comment "A geo point in SAREF4AUTO"@en ;
       rdfs:label "Point"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Position rdf:type owl:Class ;
          rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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                            owl:onProperty s4auto:hasConfidence ;
                            owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Confidence
          rdfs:comment "The position of an entity in the automotive domain"@en ;
          rdfs:label "Position"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PositionConfidenceEllipse rdf:type owl:Class ;
                           rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Confidence ;
                           rdfs:comment "horizontal position accuracy in a shape of ellipse with a predefined confidence level (e.g. 95 %). The centre of the ellipse shape corresponds to the reference position point for which the position accuracy is evaluated"@en ;
                           rdfs:label "PositionConfidenceEllipse"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:PublicTransport rdf:type owl:Class ;
                 rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Vehicle ;
                 rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
                 rdfs:label "PublicTransport"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RegularParkingSpot rdf:type owl:Class ;
                    rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:ParkingSpot ;
                    rdfs:comment "A type pf parking spot"@en ;
                    rdfs:label "RegularParkingSpot"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RelativePosition rdf:type owl:Class ;
                  rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Position ,
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                    owl:onProperty s4auto:hasCoordinateX ;
                                    owl:someValuesFrom xsd:float
                                  ] ,
                                  [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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                                    owl:onProperty s4auto:hasCoordinateY ;
                                    owl:someValuesFrom xsd:float
                                  ] ,
                                  [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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                                    owl:onProperty s4auto:hasCoordinateZ ;
                                    owl:someValuesFrom xsd:float
                                  ] ;
                  rdfs:comment "It represents the relative position of a vehicle (e.g., a car is x,y,z in front of another car)"@en ;
                  rdfs:label "RelativePosition"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RelativeSpeed rdf:type owl:Class ;
               rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Speed ;
               rdfs:label "RelativeSpeed"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RendezvousLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
                    rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Point ;
                    rdfs:comment "It is the estimated location where the vehicle member joins the platoon. It is expressed in global coordinates (lat, long, alt), e.g. according to WGS 84."@en ;
                    rdfs:label "RendezvousLocation"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Reserved rdf:type owl:Class ;
          rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:ParkingSpotState .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RoadEntity rdf:type owl:Class ;
            rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                              owl:onProperty s4auto:consistsOfEquipment ;
                              owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:RoadSideEquipment
                            ] ,
                            [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                              owl:onProperty s4auto:consistsOfEvent ;
                              owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:NotifiedEvent
                            ] ,
                            [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                              owl:onProperty s4auto:consistsOfObject ;
                              owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:CriticalObject
                            ] ,
                            [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                              owl:onProperty s4auto:consistsOfUser ;
                              owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:VulnerableRoadUser
                            ] ,
                            [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                              owl:onProperty s4auto:hasAbsolutePosition ;
                              owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:AbsolutePosition
                            ] ,
                            [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                              owl:onProperty s4auto:hasRelativePosition ;
                              owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:RelativePosition
            rdfs:comment "Entity present on the road in the neighbouring area of a vehicle"@en ;
            rdfs:label "RoadEntity"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RoadObject rdf:type owl:Class ;
            rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureOfInterest ;
            rdfs:comment "Road side sensors measure properties (such as speed, position, dimension, direction, etc.) of road objects. Types of relevant road objects are Pedestrian, vehicles, obstacles, traffic signs, etc."@en ;
            rdfs:label "RoadObject"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RoadSideActuator rdf:type owl:Class ;
                  rdfs:subClassOf saref:Actuator ;
                  rdfs:comment "Devices deployed along the road that produce signals based on road side sensor data measurements. Types of road side actuators that are relevant are devices such as traffic light controllers changing from red to green based on detected vehicles."@en ;
                  rdfs:label """RoadSideActuator
"""@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RoadSideEquipment rdf:type owl:Class ;
                   rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:AutomotiveObject ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RoadSideSensor rdf:type owl:Class ;
                                [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                  owl:onProperty saref:measuresProperty ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                  owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:AbsolutePosition
                                ] ,
                                [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                  owl:onProperty saref:measuresProperty ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                  owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Heading
                                ] ,
                                [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                  owl:onProperty saref:measuresProperty ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                  owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Height
                                ] ,
                                [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                  owl:onProperty saref:measuresProperty ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                  owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Length
                                ] ,
                                [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                  owl:onProperty saref:measuresProperty ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                  owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:RelativePosition
                                ] ,
                                [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                  owl:onProperty saref:measuresProperty ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                  owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Speed
                                ] ,
                                [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                  owl:onProperty saref:measuresProperty ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                  owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Width
                rdfs:comment "Sensors such as cameras, radars that are deployed along the road (e.g. at intersections and at poles along a highway)"@en ;
                rdfs:label "RoadSideSensor"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RoadTopologyPosition rdf:type owl:Class ;
                      rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Position ;
                      rdfs:label "Road Topology Position"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Role rdf:type owl:Class ;
      rdfs:comment "The role that can be assumed by a vehicle or a platoon"@en ;
      rdfs:label "Role"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Route rdf:type owl:Class ;
       rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                         owl:onProperty s4auto:hasDestinationEndPoint ;
                         owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:EndPoint
                       ] ,
                       [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                         owl:onProperty s4auto:hasOrigin ;
                         owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:StartPoint
                       ] ,
                       [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                         owl:onProperty s4auto:isCollectionOf ;
                         owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:RoutePoint
       rdfs:comment "The route of a vehicle or of a platoon. The route of a platoon is defined as the route of the current vehicle leader in the platoon that other follower vehicles (partially) share"@en ;
       rdfs:label "Route"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:RoutePoint rdf:type owl:Class ;
            rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Point ;
            rdfs:comment "The intermediate points in a route"@en ;
            rdfs:label "RoutePoint"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Searching rdf:type owl:Class ;
           rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:PlatoonVehicleState .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Shape rdf:type owl:Class ;
       rdfs:subClassOf saref:Property ;
       rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain. Overall shape of an entity: Sphere, Torus, Cylinder, Cone, Ellipsoid, Cube, Cuboid, Pyramid, Prism, Multiple shapes"@en ;
       rdfs:label "Shape"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Size rdf:type owl:Class ;
      rdfs:subClassOf saref:Property ;
      rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain. A platoon has a size. Tis size is defined as 1) the total number of vehicles currently in the platoon; or 2) Length of the platoon (sum of all vehicles' length + inter-vehicle distance)"@en ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:SmallObject rdf:type owl:Class ;
             rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:CriticalObject ;
             rdfs:comment "A type of Critical Object"@en ;
             rdfs:label "Small Object"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:SpecialPermitParkingSpot rdf:type owl:Class ;
                          rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:ParkingSpot ;
                          rdfs:comment "A type pf parking spot. Parking spot reserved for special permits (authorities, disabled, blue Zone, resident ...)"@en ;
                          rdfs:label "SpecialPermitParkingSpot"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Speed rdf:type owl:Class ;
       rdfs:subClassOf saref:Property ;
       rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain"@en ;
       rdfs:label "Speed"@en .

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:SpeedConfidence rdf:type owl:Class ;
                 rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Confidence ,
                                 [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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                                   owl:onProperty s4auto:hasConfidenceValue ;
                                   owl:someValuesFrom xsd:int
                                 ] ;
                 rdfs:comment "absolute accuracy of a speed value in cm/s"@en ;
                 rdfs:label "SpeedConfidence"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:SpeedUnit rdf:type owl:Class ;
           rdfs:subClassOf saref:UnitOfMeasure .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Standalone rdf:type owl:Class ;
            rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:PlatoonState ,
                            s4auto:PlatoonVehicleState .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:StartPoint rdf:type owl:Class ;
            rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Point ;
            rdfs:comment "The starting point of a route"@en ;
            rdfs:label "StartPoint"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:State rdf:type owl:Class ;
       rdfs:subClassOf saref:State ,
                       [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                         owl:onProperty saref:hasTimestamp ;
                         owl:someValuesFrom xsd:dateTime
                       ] ;
       rdfs:comment "A class dedicated to describe the relevant states in the automotive domain"@en ;
       rdfs:label "State"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:StationID rdf:type owl:Class ;
           rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Identifier ;
           rdfs:comment "A type of identifier for vehicles and platoons, as defined in ETSI TS 102 894-2."@en ;
           rdfs:label "StationID"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:TrafficLightController rdf:type owl:Class ;
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:RoadSideActuator ,
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                                          owl:onProperty s4auto:usesMeasurement ;
                                          owl:someValuesFrom saref:Measurement
                                        ] ;
                        rdfs:comment "A device that automatically operates coloured lights, typically red, amber, and green, for controlling traffic at road junctions, pedestrian crossings, and roundabouts."@en ;
                        rdfs:label "TrafficLight"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:TrafficManagementCentre rdf:type owl:Class ;
                         rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:AutomotiveObject ;
                         rdfs:label "TrafficManagementCentre"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Tram rdf:type owl:Class ;
      rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:PublicTransport .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Truck rdf:type owl:Class ;
       rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Vehicle ;
       rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
       rdfs:label "Truck"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:TwoWheeler rdf:type owl:Class ;
            rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Vehicle ;
            rdfs:comment "A type of vehicle"@en ;
            rdfs:label "TwoWheeler"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:UUID rdf:type owl:Class ;
      rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Identifier ;
      rdfs:comment "A type of identifier for vehicles and platoons"@en ;
      rdfs:label "UUID"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Unknown rdf:type owl:Class ;
         rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:PlatoonState ,
                         s4auto:PlatoonVehicleState .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Vehicle rdf:type owl:Class ;
         rdfs:subClassOf saref:FeatureOfInterest ,
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                         s4auto:AutomotiveObject ,
                         s4syst:System ,
                         [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasAbsolutePosition ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:AbsolutePosition
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasAutomationLevel ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:AutomationLevel
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasBrakeCapacity ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:BrakeCapacity
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasDestinationAddress ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Address
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasDestinationEndPoint ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:EndPoint
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasEnvironment ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:VehicleEnvironment
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasEstimatedRendezvousLocation ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:RendezvousLocation
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasHeight ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Height
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasIdentifier ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Identifier
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasLength ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Length
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasParkingVehicleState ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:PlatoonVehicleState
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasPlatoonPosition ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:PlatoonPosition
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasPlatoonRole ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:PlatoonRole
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasPlatoonVehicleState ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:PlatoonVehicleState
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasRelativePosition ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:RelativePosition
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasRoadTopologyPosition ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:RoadTopologyPosition
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasRoute ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Route
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasVehicleRole ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:VehicleRole
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasWidth ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Width
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:isMemberOfPlatoon ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Platoon
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:onProperty s4auto:isMemberOfVehicleEnvironment ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:VehicleEnvironment
                         ] ,
                         [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                           owl:onProperty s4syst:hasSubSystem ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                           owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:ElectronicControlUnit
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                           owl:onProperty s4auto:hasEstimatedJoiningTime ;
                           owl:someValuesFrom xsd:dateTime
                         ] ;
         rdfs:comment """A vehicle is the main object of interest in the automotive domain. Example of types of vehicles are car, truck, public transport and two wheeler. See ETSI
TS 102 894-2 spec for full list of vehicles, which are type of \"stations\". See also the SENSORIS data model for possible type of vehicles."""@en ;
         rdfs:label "Vehicle"@en .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:VehicleAutomationLevel rdf:type owl:Class ;
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:AutomationLevel ;
                        rdfs:comment """According to SAE J3016, there are five levels of automation for a vehicle:
- Level 0: No Driving Automation.
- Level 1: Driver assistance.
- Level 2: Partial driving automation.
- Level 3: Conditional driving automation.
- Level 4: High driving automation.
- Level 5: Full Driving automation."""@en ;
                        rdfs:label "VehicleAutomationLevel"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:VehicleEnvironment rdf:type owl:Class ;
                    rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                      owl:onProperty s4auto:consistsOfEntity ;
                                      owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:RoadEntity
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                      owl:onProperty s4auto:consistsOfVehicle ;
                                      owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Vehicle
                                    ] ;
                    rdfs:comment "The vehicle environment is made of entities which are present on the road in the area around the vehicle" ;
                    rdfs:label "VehicleEnvironment"@en .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:VehicleRole rdf:type owl:Class ;
             rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Role ;
             rdfs:comment "The role the vehicle plays in traffic. If not specified, it is assumed that it takes a default value. Otherwise, possible values to be specified are: publicTransport, specialTransport, dangerousGoods, roadWork, rescue, emergency, safetyCar, agriculture, commercial, military, roadOperator, taxi."@en ;
             rdfs:label "VehicleRole"@en .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:VulnerableRoadUser rdf:type owl:Class ;
                    rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ,
                                    [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                      owl:onProperty s4auto:hasHeight ;
                                      owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Height
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                      owl:onProperty s4auto:hasLength ;
                                      owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Length
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                      owl:onProperty s4auto:hasMovement ;
                                      owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Movement
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                      owl:onProperty s4auto:hasWidth ;
                                      owl:someValuesFrom s4auto:Width
                                    ] ;
                    rdfs:comment "Non-motorized road users as well as users of VRU vehicles (L class of vehicles, for example mopeds or motorcycles, etc.) participating to the road traffic" ;
                    rdfs:label "VulnerableRoadUser"@en .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Weight rdf:type owl:Class ;
        rdfs:subClassOf saref:Property ;
        rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain"@en ;
        rdfs:label "Weight"@en .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:Width rdf:type owl:Class ;
       rdfs:subClassOf saref:Property ;
       rdfs:comment "A Property of interest for the automotive domain"@en ;
       rdfs:label "Width"@en .
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Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:WidthUnit rdf:type owl:Class ;
           rdfs:subClassOf saref:UnitOfMeasure .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:YawRate rdf:type owl:Class ;
         rdfs:subClassOf s4auto:Heading ;
         rdfs:comment "A type of heading"@en ;
         rdfs:label "YawRate"@en .
s4syst:System rdf:type owl:Class ;
              rdfs:label "System"@en .

#    Individuals

<> rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                                         s4auto:VehicleRole ;
                                                rdfs:label "agriculture"@en .

<> rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
                                                              s4auto:VehicleRole ;
                                                     rdfs:label "specialTransport"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:commercial rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                     s4auto:VehicleRole ;
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:crossingLeft rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                       s4auto:Movement .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:crossingRight rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        s4auto:Movement .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:dangerousGood rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        s4auto:VehicleRole ;
               rdfs:label "dangerousGoods"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:emergency rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                    s4auto:VehicleRole ;
           rdfs:label "emergency"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:follower rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                   s4auto:PlatoonRole .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:leader rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                 s4auto:PlatoonRole .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:military rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                   s4auto:VehicleRole ;
          rdfs:label "military"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:publicTransport rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                          s4auto:VehicleRole ;
                 rdfs:label "publicTransport"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:ready_for_leading rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                            s4auto:PlatoonRole .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:rescue rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                 s4auto:VehicleRole ;
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:reverseDirection rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                           s4auto:Movement .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:roadOperator rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                       s4auto:VehicleRole ;
              rdfs:label "roadOperator"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:roadWork rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                   s4auto:VehicleRole ;
          rdfs:label "roadWork"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:safetyCar rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                    s4auto:VehicleRole ;
           rdfs:label "safetyCar"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:sameDirection rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        s4auto:Movement .
Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:static rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                 s4auto:Movement .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:taxi rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
               s4auto:VehicleRole ;
      rdfs:label "taxi"@en .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:trailing rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                   s4auto:PlatoonRole .

Maxime Lefrançois's avatar
Maxime Lefrançois committed
s4auto:unknown rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                  s4auto:PlatoonRole .
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