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Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
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moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:HealthActor rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                   rdfs:comment "The eHealth system actors like e.g. caregivers, patients, users, helpers..."@en ;
                   rdfs:label "Health actor"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:HealthActuator rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                      owl:equivalentClass saref:Actuator ;
                      rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:comment "Health-related Actuator, equivalent to SAREF Actuator"@en ;
                      rdfs:label "Health actuator"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:HealthDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:FunctionRelated ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:comment "Health Devices, e.g. BAN hub, health sensor/actuator/Wereable."@en ;
                    rdfs:label "Health Device"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:HealthSensor rdf:type owl:Class ;
                    owl:equivalentClass saref:Sensor ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
                    rdfs:label "Health sensor"@en ,
                               "Health-related Sensor, equivalent to SAREF Sensor" .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:HealthWearable rdf:type owl:Class ;
                      owl:equivalentClass s4wear:Wearable ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
                      rdfs:label "Health wereable"@en ,
                                 "Health-related Wearable, equivalent to SAREF4WEAR Wearable" .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:Helper rdf:type owl:Class ;
              rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
              rdfs:comment "Helper of partients/users of a health system, e.g. a patient's relative."@en ;
              rdfs:label "Helper"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Impairment rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                  rdfs:comment "Defined for users (that can in particular be patients) impairments modelling, e.g. deaf impairment, hearing impairement, handling impairment, visual impairement, blindI impairement, mobility impairement..."@en ;
                  rdfs:label "Impairment" .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ImplantLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:comment "Implant Device (i.e. in body health device) position."@en ;
                       rdfs:label "Implant location"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Interface rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                 rdfs:comment "Used for modelling the interfaces of a health device (e.g. Bluetooth, UWB, IEEE 802.15.6, serial interface...)."@en ;
                 rdfs:label "Interface"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:LegalConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Constraint ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:comment "An empty container for describing the legal constraints a data can be submitted to, like e.g. anonymization."@en ;
                       rdfs:label "Legal constraint"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Location rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                rdfs:comment "The location, i.e. a position against the body (on - body surface – or in the body – implant –) and a physical location (i.e. a postal address and/or a current geolocation geolocation when available)."@en ;
                rdfs:label "Location"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:MeasurementCollectionSession rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:Task ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                    rdfs:comment "Task in which a health actor (mainly a patient or a user) is subject of measurement collection (recording) by both some measurement-related health Device (e.g. Sensor, Wereable, ECG Device...) and a health actor (mainly a caregiver)."@en ;
                                    rdfs:label "Measurement collection session"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           rdfs:subClassOf saref:Function ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           rdfs:comment "The functionality necessary to accomplish the measurement task for which a measurement-related health Device (e.g. Sensor, Wereable, ECG Device...) is designed for, e.g. a heart rate measurement function. "@en ;
                           rdfs:label "Measurement function"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Mode rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
            rdf:comment "The dynamic characteristics of a eHealth Device that vary during its lifetime or its BAN lifetime."@en ;
            rdfs:label "Mode"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:NocturnalActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                         rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Activity ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                         rdfs:comment "The class of activities that occur during the night."@en ;
                         rdfs:label "Nocturnal activity"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:OnRequestCommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                      rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                      rdfs:comment "BAN communication function way of working of the type on request."@en ;
                                      rdfs:label "On request communication function"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:OperatingConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                           rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Constraint ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           rdfs:comment "An empty container for describing the operating constraints of a device, e.g. recommended humidity and temperature range..."@en ;
                           rdfs:label "Operating constraint"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Patient rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
               rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:User ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
               rdfs:comment "A user of the type patient, i.e. a cared-for person by one or multiple caregivers."@en ;
               rdfs:label "Patient"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:PeriodicCommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                     rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                     rdfs:comment "BAN communication function way of working of the type periodic."@en ;
                                     rdfs:label "Periodic communication function"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:PhysicalLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:comment "The physical location, i.e. a postal address and a geolocation when available."@en ;
                        rdfs:label "Physical location"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Posture rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
               rdfs:comment "The posture of a health actor (mainly a patient or a user), e.g. exercising, lying, running, sitting, walking..."@en ;
               rdfs:label "Posture"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:PowerSource rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                   rdfs:comment "The power sources of a health device, mainly describing energy source and battery related capabilities of the health device (number of power source, source type, rechargeable or not...)."@en ;
                   rdfs:label "Power source"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ReminderCommand rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                       rdfs:subClassOf saref:NotifyCommand ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:comment "Command used for sending reminder notifications to health actors, e.g. pationts, users or Caregivers."@en ;
                       rdfs:label "Reminder command"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ResponsibleParty rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:comment "The legal entity responsible for a BAN, i.e. to contact in case of problem"@en ;
                        rdfs:label "Responsible party"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceGrounding rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:comment "How to access the service."@en ;
                        rdfs:label "Service grounding"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceProcess rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:comment "How the service works."@en ;
                      rdfs:label "Service process"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceProfile rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:comment "What the service does."@en ;
                      rdfs:label "Service profile"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:TimeSeriesMeasurements rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                              rdfs:subClassOf saref:Measurement ,
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                                              [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                                owl:onProperty s4envi:hasFrequencyMeasurement ;
                                                owl:allValuesFrom s4envi:FrequencyMeasurement
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                              ] ,
                                              [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                                owl:onProperty s4ehaw:hasValues ;
                                                owl:allValuesFrom xsd:float
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                              rdfs:comment "A sequence of data in a successive equally spaced points in time. The O&M ontology (ISO 19156) defines Time Series Observation  as an “observation whose result is a time-series”, while both Hl7 aECG and DICOM standards define the Series element as a sequence of data sharing a common frame of reference. In SAREF4health this concept is termed as Time Series Measurements since this sequence of data refers to time series measured by a health device." ;
                              rdfs:label "Time series measurements" .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:User rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
            rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
            rdfs:comment "A health actor (patient included) that can be equiped with BANs or health devices for monitoring, control, care (specific case of patients) or support purposes."@en ;
            rdfs:label "User"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ValidityConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                          rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Constraint ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                          rdfs:comment "Data may have validity constraint such as allowable value range."@en ;
                          rdfs:label "Validity constraint"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:Actuator rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:Command rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:Function rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:FunctionRelated rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:Measurement rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:NotifyCommand rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:Property rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:Sensor rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
saref:Service rdf:type owl:Class .

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:Task rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
saref:UnitOfMeasure rdf:type owl:Class .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4envi:Frequency rdf:type owl:Class .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4envi:FrequencyMeasurement rdf:type owl:Class ;
                            rdfs:comment "Represents the measured value made over a frequency property. It is also linked to the frequency unit of measure in which the value is expressed and the timestamp of the measurement."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                            rdfs:isDefinedBy s4envi: ;
                            rdfs:label "Frequency measurement"@en .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4envi:FrequencyUnit rdf:type owl:Class .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4wear:Wearable rdf:type owl:Class .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
#    Individuals
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
<> rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                                           s4envi:FrequencyUnit .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:alcoholDrinking rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                s4ehaw:Habit .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:assistedLiving rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                               s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:blindImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                s4ehaw:Impairment .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:deafImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                               s4ehaw:Impairment .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:emergency rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                          s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:exercising rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           s4ehaw:Posture .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:handlingImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                   s4ehaw:Impairment .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:healthcare rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:hearingImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                  s4ehaw:Impairment .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:lying rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      s4ehaw:Posture .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:mobilityImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                   s4ehaw:Impairment .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:overeating rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           s4ehaw:Habit .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:pervasiveComputing rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                   s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:running rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        s4ehaw:Posture .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:safety rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                       s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:sitting rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        s4ehaw:Posture .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:smoking rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        s4ehaw:Habit .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:sportTraining rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                              s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:telemedicine rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                             s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:undereating rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                            s4ehaw:Habit .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:visualImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                 s4ehaw:Impairment .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:walking rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        s4ehaw:Posture .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
:Armpit rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                 s4ehaw:BodySurfaceLocation .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Azma rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                     s4ehaw:ChronicDisease .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Diabetes rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                         s4ehaw:ChronicDisease .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Percent rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        saref:UnitOfMeasure .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Wrist rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                      s4ehaw:BodySurfaceLocation .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:bpm rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                    saref:UnitOfMeasure .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:degreeCelcius rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                              saref:UnitOfMeasure .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:mmHG rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                     saref:UnitOfMeasure .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:prevention rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                           s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
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