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               rdfs:comment "An email address (or mail box) of an health actor: a URI with the 'mailto' scheme as defined by RFC 6068."@en ;
               rdfs:range xsd:anyURI ;
               rdfs:domain s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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s4ehaw:hasOutput rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                 rdfs:label "has output"@en ;
                 rdfs:comment "The output is e.g. the calculated value returned by the process, e.g the posture of a patient."@en ;
                 rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProcess .
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s4ehaw:hasPrecondition rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                       rdfs:label "has precondition"@en ;
                       rdfs:comment "The conditions that are imposed over the inputs of the process and the process must hold to be successufully invoked."@en ;
                       rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                       rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProcess .


s4ehaw:hasResult rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
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                 rdfs:label "has result"@en ;
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                 rdfs:comment "The process can have many results for the same output. Those results may include a message that should be displayed, an alert..."@en ;
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                 rdfs:range xsd:string ;
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                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProcess .
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s4ehaw:hasValues rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
                 rdfs:label "has values" ;
                 rdfs:comment "A relationship defining the set of values (an array) of a certain property, e.g., energy or power" .
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s4ehaw:interfaceAddress rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                        rdfs:label "interface address"@en ;
                        rdfs:comment "The interface address. The interface may have many addresses like MAC address, IP address or others."@en ;
                        rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                        rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Interface .
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s4ehaw:interfaceDescription rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                            rdfs:label "interface description"@en ;
                            rdfs:comment "The interface type description."@en ;
                            rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                            rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Interface .
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s4ehaw:interfaceProtocol rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                         rdfs:label "interface protocol"@en ;
                         rdfs:comment "The interface communication protocol can be e.g. BLE, serial, Ethernet..."@en ;
                         rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                         rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Interface .
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s4ehaw:isDerivedData rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                     rdfs:label "is derived data"@en ;
                     rdfs:comment "Is derived data is a Boolean property to indicate if the data is a row data or a calculated/derived data from other one."@en ;
                     rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
                     rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Data .
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s4ehaw:isGateway rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                 rdfs:label "is gateway"@en ;
                 rdfs:comment "This boolean variable indicates if the interface is a gateway or not."@en ;
                 rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Interface .
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s4ehaw:lastName rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                rdfs:label "last name"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The familly name of a health actor."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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s4ehaw:latency rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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               rdfs:label "latency"@en ;
               rdfs:comment "The latency is the time interval between the stimulation and response of a measurement function."@en ;
               rdfs:range xsd:float ;
               rdfs:domain s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction .
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s4ehaw:lifetime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                rdfs:label "lifetime"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The BAN lifetime, e.g. BAN for entertainment purposes should have a lifetime of weeks or few years whereas BAN dedicated for assisted living or anomaly monitoring should last for many years."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Ban .
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s4ehaw:manufacturer rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                    rdfs:label "manufacturer"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "The manufacturer name of the embedded processor of a health device, e.g. Intel."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ComputingPower .
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s4ehaw:maximumFlash rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                    rdfs:label "maximum flash"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "Indicates the maximum flash memory space of a health device."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ComputingPower .
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s4ehaw:maximumRam rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                  rdfs:label "maximum ram"@en ;
                  rdfs:comment "Indicates the maximum volatile memory space of a health device."@en ;
                  rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                  rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ComputingPower .
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s4ehaw:maximumValue rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                    rdfs:label "maximum value"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "The maximum allowable value of a measurement."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ValidityConstraint .
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s4ehaw:minimumValue rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                    rdfs:label "minimum value"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "The minimum allowable value  of a measurement."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ValidityConstraint .
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s4ehaw:modeName rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                rdfs:label "mode name"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The mode name of a device, e.g. sleeping."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Mode .
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s4ehaw:phenomena rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                 rdfs:label "phenomena"@en ;
                 rdfs:comment "The BAN monitors a specific phenomenon (burned calories during exercises, glucose level...)."@en ;
                 rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Ban .
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s4ehaw:phone rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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             rdfs:label "phone"@en ;
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             rdfs:comment "The phone number of a health actor, in international format."@en ;
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             rdfs:range xsd:string ;
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             rdfs:domain s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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s4ehaw:portNumber rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                  rdfs:label "port number"@en ;
                  rdfs:comment "The port number used to offer the service."@en ;
                  rdfs:range xsd:positiveInteger ;
                  rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceGrounding .


s4ehaw:postalAddress rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
                     rdfs:label "postal address"@en ;
                     rdfs:comment "Defines the postal address."@en ;
                     rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                     rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PhysicalLocation .


s4ehaw:powerSourceType rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
                       rdfs:label "power source type"@en ;
                       rdfs:comment "The type of power source of a health device. It can be solar, battery, electricity..."@en ;
                       rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                       rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PowerSource .
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s4ehaw:precision rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                 rdfs:label "precision"@en ;
                 rdfs:comment "Precision of a measurement function is the uncertainty of the measured data."@en ;
                 rdfs:range xsd:float ;
                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction .
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s4ehaw:rechargeable rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                    rdfs:label "rechargeable"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "This boolean variable indicates if the power source is rechargeable or not, e.g. a rechargeable battery."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PowerSource .
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s4ehaw:remainingBatteryLevel rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                             rdfs:label "remaining battery level"@en ;
                             rdfs:comment "The level of remaining battery for a given power source of a health device."@en ;
                             rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                             rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PowerSource .
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s4ehaw:sampleTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                  rdfs:label "sample time"@en ;
                  rdfs:comment "The sample time of a measurement function."@en ;
                  rdfs:range xsd:float ;
                  rdfs:domain s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction .
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s4ehaw:sendingFrequency rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
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                        rdfs:label "sending frequency"@en ;
                        rdfs:comment "Defines the sending frequency at an health device level."@en ;
                        rdfs:range xsd:float ;
                        rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PeriodicCommunicationFunction .
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s4ehaw:serialNb rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                rdfs:label "serial number"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The serial number of a health device."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:HealthDevice .
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s4ehaw:serviceDescription rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                          rdfs:label "service description"@en ;
                          rdfs:comment "The service description should describe the offered service like e.g. heart rate measurement."@en ;
                          rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                          rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProfile .
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s4ehaw:serviceName rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                   rdfs:label "service name"@en ;
                   rdfs:comment "The service name identify the offered service, e.g heart rate."@en ;
                   rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                   rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProfile .
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s4ehaw:topology rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                rdfs:label "topology"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The BAN physical topology type, i.e Adhoc or Star or Mesh or Others."@ne ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Ban ;
                rdfs:range [ rdf:type rdfs:Datatype ;
                             owl:oneOf [ rdf:type rdf:List ;
                                         rdf:first "Adhoc" ;
                                         rdf:rest [ rdf:type rdf:List ;
                                                    rdf:first "Mesh" ;
                                                    rdf:rest [ rdf:type rdf:List ;
                                                               rdf:first "Star" ;
                                                               rdf:rest rdf:nil
                           ] .
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s4ehaw:velocity rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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                rdfs:label "velocity"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The velocity of a moving device."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:float ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:DeviceType .
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#    Classes
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voaf:Vocabulary rdf:type owl:Class .
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foaf:Agent rdf:type owl:Class ;
           owl:equivalentClass s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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s4ehaw:Activity rdf:type owl:Class ;

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                rdfs:comment "The activity of a patient/user, i.e. daily and nocturnal activities."@en ;

                rdfs:label "Activity"@en .
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s4ehaw:AlarmCommand rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:Command ;

                    rdfs:label "Alarm comand"@en .
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s4ehaw:Ban rdf:type owl:Class ;

           rdfs:comment "Smart Body Area Network (BAN), as defined within ETSI SmartBAN TC (see ETSI TR 103 394)."@en ;

           rdfs:label "BAN"@en .
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s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain rdf:type owl:Class ;

                            rdfs:comment "The BAN application domain, e.g. healthcare, telemedicine, assisted living, sport training, safety and emergency..."@en ;

                            rdfs:label "BAN application domain"@en .
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s4ehaw:BodySurfaceLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                           rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location ;

                           rdfs:comment "Defines a helth device location in terms of a body surface position (i.e. on body health device)."@en ;

                           rdfs:label "Body surface location"@en .
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s4ehaw:Caregiver rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                 rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;

                 rdfs:comment "For caregivers modelling."@en ;

                 rdfs:label "Caregiver"@en .


### saref:Command rdf:type owl:Class ;
###               rdfs:comment "A directive that a device must support to perform a certain function. A command may act upon a state, but does not necessarily act upon a state. For example, the ON command acts upon the ON/OFF state, but the GET command does not act upon any state, it simply gives a directive to retrieve a certain value. We propose here a list of commands that are relevant for the purpose of SAREF, but this list can be extended."@en ;
###               rdfs:isDefinedBy saref: ;
###               rdfs:label "Command"@en .
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### saref:NotifyCommand rdf:type owl:Class ;
###                     rdfs:comment "A type of command used for notifications."@en ;
###                     rdfs:isDefinedBy saref: ;
###                     rdfs:label "Notify command"@en .
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s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;

                             rdfs:comment "The BAN communication function way of working, i.e. periodic, event driven or on request."@en ;

                             rdfs:label "Communication function"@en .
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s4ehaw:ComputingPower rdf:type owl:Class ;

                      rdfs:comment "The computing power capabilities of a Health device."@en ;

                      rdfs:label "Computing power"@en .
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s4ehaw:Constraint rdf:type owl:Class ;

                  rdfs:comment "The Data constraints, e.g. validity, operating, security..."@en ;

                  rdfs:label "Constraint"@en .
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s4ehaw:Contact rdf:type owl:Class ;
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               owl:equivalentClass s4ehaw:HealthActor ;

               rdfs:comment  "A BAN has one or multiple contacts, i.e some health actors, e.g. the patient or user that is monitored through this BAN, the caregiver that is using this BAN for monitoring purposes..."@en ;

               rdfs:label "Contact"@en .
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s4ehaw:DailyActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                     rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Activity ;
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                     rdfs:comment "The patient/user activities that occur during daytime."@en ;
		     rdfs:label "Daily activity"@en .
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s4ehaw:Data rdf:type owl:Class ;

            rdfs:comment  "A function has one or many data, for example a tracking function shall include latitude, longitude and speed data."@en ;

            rdfs:label "Data"@en .


### saref:Device rdf:type owl:Class ;
###              rdfs:comment "A tangible object designed to accomplish a particular task in households, common public buildings or offices. In order to accomplish this task, the device performs one or more functions. For example, a washing machine is designed to wash (task) and to accomplish this task it performs the start and stop function."@en ;
###              rdfs:isDefinedBy saref: ;
###              rdfs:label "Device"@en .
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s4ehaw:DeviceType rdf:type owl:Class ;

            rdfs:comment  "A health device has a device type describing the physical characteristics of the health device."@en ;

            rdfs:label "Device type"@en .
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s4ehaw:EventDrivenCommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction ;

                                        rdfs:comment "BAN communication function way of working of the type event driven."@en ;

                                        rdfs:label "Event driven communication function"@en .


s4envi:FrequencyMeasurement rdf:type owl:Class ;

               rdfs:comment "Represents the measured value made over a frequency property. It is also linked to the frequency unit of measure in which the value is expressed and the timestamp of the measurement."@en ;

               rdfs:isDefinedBy s4envi: ;

               rdfs:label "Frequency measurement"@en .
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s4ehaw:FunctionalDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                        rdfs:subClassOf saref:FunctionRelated ;

                        rdfs:comment "Functional Devices are non-purely eHealth/ageing-well devices that can be used for modelling/detecting activities or behaviours of patients/users, like for example beacons that can detect indoor positioning of a patient in a house."@en ;

                        rdfs:label "Functional device"@en .


###  saref:Function rdf:type owl:Class ;
###                 rdfs:comment "The functionality necessary to accomplish the task for which a device is designed for, .e.g. a temperature measurement function. A device can be designed to perform more than one function. Functions can be structured in categories (subclasses) that reflect different points of view, for example, considering the specific application area for which a function can be used (e.g., heart rate, temperature, motion, oxygen level...), or the capability that a function can support (e.g., receive, reply, notify, etc.), and so forth. "@en ;
###                 rdfs:isDefinedBy saref: ;
###                 rdfs:label "Function"@en .
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###  saref:FunctionRelated rdf:type owl:Class ;
###               rdfs:comment "A SAREF ontology category that considers Devices and their specification in terms of functions, states and services."@en ;
###               rdfs:isDefinedBy saref: ;
###               rdfs:label "Function related"@en .
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s4ehaw:HealthActor rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                   rdfs:comment "The eHealth system actors like e.g. caregivers, patients, users, helpers..."@en ;

                   rdfs:label "Health actor"@en .
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s4ehaw:HealthActuator rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                    rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
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                    rdfs:comment "Health-related Actuator, equivalent to SAREF Actuator"@en ;

                    owl:equivalentClass saref:Actuator ;
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                    rdfs:label "Health actuator"@en .
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s4ehaw:HealthDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:FunctionRelated ;

                    rdfs:comment "Health Devices, e.g. BAN hub, health sensor/actuator/Wereable."@en ;
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                    rdfs:label "Health Device"@en .
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s4ehaw:Helper rdf:type owl:Class ;
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              rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor  ;

              rdfs:comment "Helper of partients/users of a health system, e.g. a patient's relative."@en ;

              rdfs:label "Helper"@en .
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s4ehaw:BanHub rdf:type owl:Class ;
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              rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;

              rdfs:comment "Hub of the BAN, mainly playing the role of both a data concentrator and a network GW."@en ;

              rdfs:label "BAN hub" .
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s4ehaw:Impairment rdf:type owl:Class ;

                  rdfs:comment "Defined for patient's impairments modelling, e.g. deaf impairment, hearing impairement, handling impairment, visual impairement, blindI impairement, mobility impairement..."@en ;

                  rdfs:label "Impairment" .
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s4ehaw:ImplantLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location ;

                       rdfs:comment "Implant Device (i.e. in body health device) position."@en ;

                       rdfs:label "Implant location"@en .
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s4ehaw:Interface rdf:type owl:Class ;

                 rdfs:comment "Used for modelling the interfaces of a health device (e.g. Bluetooth, UWB, IEEE 802.15.6, serial interface...)."@en ;

                 rdfs:label "Interface"@en .
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s4ehaw:LegalConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Constraint ;
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                       rdfs:comment "An empty container for describing the legal constraints a data can be submitted to, like e.g. anonymization."@en ;

                       rdfs:label "Legal constraint"@en .
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s4ehaw:Location rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                rdfs:comment "The location, i.e. a position against the body (on - body surface – or in the body – implant –) and a physical location (i.e. a postal address and/or a current geolocation geolocation when available)."@en ;

                rdfs:label "Location"@en .


### saref:Measurement rdf:type owl:Class ;
###                   rdfs:comment "Represents the measured value made over a property. It is also linked to the unit of measure in which the value is expressed and the timestamp of the measurement."@en ;
###                   rdfs:isDefinedBy saref: ;
###                   rdfs:label "Measurement"@en .
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s4ehaw:MeasurementCollectionSession rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:Task ;
                                    rdfs:comment "Task in which a health actor (mainly a patient or a user) is subject of measurement collection (recording) by both some measurement-related health Device (e.g. Sensor, Wereable, ECG Device...) and a health actor (mainly a caregiver)."@en ;

                                    rdfs:label "Measurement collection session"@en .
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s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                           rdfs:subClassOf saref:Function ;
                           rdfs:comment "The functionality necessary to accomplish the measurement task for which a measurement-related health Device (e.g. Sensor, Wereable, ECG Device...) is designed for, e.g. a heart rate measurement function. "@en ;

                           rdfs:label "Measurement function"@en .
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s4ehaw:Mode rdf:type owl:Class ;
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            rdf:comment "The dynamic characteristics of a eHealth Device that vary during its lifetime or its BAN lifetime."@en ;
	    rdfs:label "Mode"@en .
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s4ehaw:NocturnalActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                         rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Activity ;
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                         rdfs:comment "The class of activities that occur during the night."@en ;

                         rdfs:label "Nocturnal activity"@en .
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s4ehaw:OnRequestCommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                                      rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction ;

                                      rdfs:comment "BAN communication function way of working of the type on request."@en ;

                                      rdfs:label "On request communication function"@en .
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s4ehaw:OperatingConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                           rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Constraint ;
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                           rdfs:comment "An empty container for describing the operating constraints of a device, e.g. recommended humidity and temperature range..."@en ;

                           rdfs:label "Operating constraint"@en .
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s4ehaw:Patient rdf:type owl:Class ;
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               rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;

               rdfs:label "Patient"@en .
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s4ehaw:PeriodicCommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                                     rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction ;

                                     rdfs:comment "BAN communication function way of working of the type periodic."@en ;

                                     rdfs:label "Periodic communication function"@en .
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s4ehaw:PhysicalLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location ;
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                        rdfs:comment "The physical location, i.e. a postal address and a geolocation when available."@en ;

                        rdfs:label "Physical location"@en .
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s4ehaw:Posture rdf:type owl:Class ;
               rdfs:comment "The posture of a health actor (mainly a patient or a user), e.g. exercising, lying, running, sitting, walking..."@en ;

               rdfs:label "Posture"@en .
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s4ehaw:PowerSource rdf:type owl:Class ;

                      rdfs:comment "The power sources of a health device, mainly describing energy source and battery related capabilities of the health device (number of power source, source type, rechargeable or not, available power level...)."@en ;

                      rdfs:label "Power source"@en .
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s4ehaw:ReminderCommand rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                        rdfs:subClassOf saref:NotifyCommand ;

                        rdfs:comment "Command used for sending reminder notifications to health actors, e.g. pationts, users or Caregivers."@en ;

                        rdfs:label "Reminder command"@en .
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s4ehaw:ResponsibleParty rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;
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                        rdfs:comment "The legal entity responsible for a BAN, i.e. to contact in case of problem"@en ;

                        rdfs:label "Responsible party"@en .