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moreiraj committed
                rdfs:comment "The service process has data input like e.g. the patient ID, the timestamp, the read value from a sensor..."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProcess .


s4ehaw:hasMbox rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
               rdfs:label "has mbox"@en ;
               rdfs:comment "An email address (or mail box) of an health actor: a URI with the 'mailto' scheme as defined by RFC 6068."@en ;
               rdfs:range xsd:anyURI ;
               rdfs:domain s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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s4ehaw:hasOutput rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                 rdfs:label "has output"@en ;
                 rdfs:comment "The output is e.g. the calculated value returned by the process, e.g the posture of a patient."@en ;
                 rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProcess .
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s4ehaw:hasPrecondition rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                       rdfs:label "has precondition"@en ;
                       rdfs:comment "The conditions that are imposed over the inputs of the process and the process must hold to be successufully invoked."@en ;
                       rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                       rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProcess .


s4ehaw:hasResult rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                 rdfs:label "has result"@en ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                 rdfs:comment "The process can have many results for the same output. Those results may include a message that should be displayed, an alert..."@en ;
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                 rdfs:range xsd:string ;
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                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProcess .
moreiraj's avatar
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moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:hasValues rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
                 rdfs:label "has values" ;
                 rdfs:comment "A relationship defining the set of values (an array) of a certain property, e.g., energy or power" .
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s4ehaw:interfaceAddress rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                        rdfs:label "interface address"@en ;
                        rdfs:comment "The interface address. The interface may have many addresses like MAC address, IP address or others."@en ;
                        rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                        rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Interface .
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s4ehaw:interfaceDescription rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                            rdfs:label "interface description"@en ;
                            rdfs:comment "The interface type description."@en ;
                            rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                            rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Interface .
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s4ehaw:interfaceProtocol rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                         rdfs:label "interface protocol"@en ;
                         rdfs:comment "The interface communication protocol can be e.g. BLE, serial, Ethernet..."@en ;
                         rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                         rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Interface .
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s4ehaw:isDerivedData rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                     rdfs:label "is derived data"@en ;
                     rdfs:comment "Is derived data is a Boolean property to indicate if the data is a row data or a calculated/derived data from other one."@en ;
                     rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
                     rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Data .
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s4ehaw:isGateway rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                 rdfs:label "is gateway"@en ;
                 rdfs:comment "This boolean variable indicates if the interface is a gateway or not."@en ;
                 rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Interface .
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s4ehaw:lastName rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                rdfs:label "last name"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The familly name of a health actor."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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s4ehaw:latency rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
               rdfs:label "latency"@en ;
               rdfs:comment "The latency is the time interval between the stimulation and response of a measurement function."@en ;
               rdfs:range xsd:float ;
               rdfs:domain s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction .
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s4ehaw:lifetime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                rdfs:label "lifetime"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The BAN lifetime, e.g. BAN for entertainment purposes should have a lifetime of weeks or few years whereas BAN dedicated for assisted living or anomaly monitoring should last for many years."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Ban .
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s4ehaw:manufacturer rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                    rdfs:label "manufacturer"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "The manufacturer name of the embedded processor of a health device, e.g. Intel."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ComputingPower .
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s4ehaw:maximumFlash rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                    rdfs:label "maximum flash"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "Indicates the maximum flash memory space of a health device."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ComputingPower .
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s4ehaw:maximumRam rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                  rdfs:label "maximum ram"@en ;
                  rdfs:comment "Indicates the maximum volatile memory space of a health device."@en ;
                  rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                  rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ComputingPower .
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s4ehaw:maximumValue rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                    rdfs:label "maximum value"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "The maximum allowable value of a measurement."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ValidityConstraint .
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s4ehaw:minimumValue rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                    rdfs:label "minimum value"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "The minimum allowable value  of a measurement."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ValidityConstraint .
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s4ehaw:modeName rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                rdfs:label "mode name"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The mode name of a device, e.g. sleeping."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Mode .
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s4ehaw:phenomena rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                 rdfs:label "phenomena"@en ;
                 rdfs:comment "The BAN monitors a specific phenomenon (burned calories during exercises, glucose level...)."@en ;
                 rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Ban .
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s4ehaw:phone rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
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             rdfs:label "phone"@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
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             rdfs:comment "The phone number of a health actor, in international format."@en ;
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             rdfs:range xsd:string ;
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             rdfs:domain s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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s4ehaw:portNumber rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                  rdfs:label "port number"@en ;
                  rdfs:comment "The port number used to offer the service."@en ;
                  rdfs:range xsd:positiveInteger ;
                  rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceGrounding .


s4ehaw:postalAddress rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
                     rdfs:label "postal address"@en ;
                     rdfs:comment "Defines the postal address."@en ;
                     rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                     rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PhysicalLocation .


s4ehaw:powerSourceType rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
                       rdfs:label "power source type"@en ;
                       rdfs:comment "The type of power source of a health device. It can be solar, battery, electricity..."@en ;
                       rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                       rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PowerSource .
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s4ehaw:precision rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                 rdfs:label "precision"@en ;
                 rdfs:comment "Precision of a measurement function is the uncertainty of the measured data."@en ;
                 rdfs:range xsd:float ;
                 rdfs:domain s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction .
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s4ehaw:rechargeable rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                    rdfs:label "rechargeable"@en ;
                    rdfs:comment "This boolean variable indicates if the power source is rechargeable or not, e.g. a rechargeable battery."@en ;
                    rdfs:range xsd:boolean ;
                    rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PowerSource .
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s4ehaw:remainingBatteryLevel rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                             rdfs:label "remaining battery level"@en ;
                             rdfs:comment "The level of remaining battery for a given power source of a health device."@en ;
                             rdfs:range xsd:double ;
                             rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PowerSource .
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s4ehaw:sampleTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                  rdfs:label "sample time"@en ;
                  rdfs:comment "The sample time of a measurement function."@en ;
                  rdfs:range xsd:float ;
                  rdfs:domain s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction .
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s4ehaw:sendingFrequency rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                        rdfs:label "sending frequency"@en ;
                        rdfs:comment "Defines the sending frequency at an health device level."@en ;
                        rdfs:range xsd:float ;
                        rdfs:domain s4ehaw:PeriodicCommunicationFunction .
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s4ehaw:serialNb rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                rdfs:label "serial number"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The serial number of a health device."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:HealthDevice .
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s4ehaw:serviceDescription rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                          rdfs:label "service description"@en ;
                          rdfs:comment "The service description should describe the offered service like e.g. heart rate measurement."@en ;
                          rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                          rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProfile .
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s4ehaw:serviceName rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                   rdfs:label "service name"@en ;
                   rdfs:comment "The service name identify the offered service, e.g heart rate."@en ;
                   rdfs:range xsd:string ;
                   rdfs:domain s4ehaw:ServiceProfile .
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s4ehaw:topology rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                rdfs:label "topology"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The BAN physical topology type, i.e Adhoc or Star or Mesh or Others."@ne ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:Ban ;
                rdfs:range [ rdf:type rdfs:Datatype ;
                             owl:oneOf [ rdf:type rdf:List ;
                                         rdf:first "Adhoc" ;
                                         rdf:rest [ rdf:type rdf:List ;
                                                    rdf:first "Mesh" ;
                                                    rdf:rest [ rdf:type rdf:List ;
                                                               rdf:first "Star" ;
                                                               rdf:rest rdf:nil
                           ] .
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s4ehaw:velocity rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                rdfs:label "velocity"@en ;
                rdfs:comment "The velocity of a moving device."@en ;
                rdfs:range xsd:float ;
                rdfs:domain s4ehaw:DeviceType .
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#    Classes
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voaf:Vocabulary rdf:type owl:Class .
moreiraj's avatar
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moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
foaf:Agent rdf:type owl:Class ;
           owl:equivalentClass s4ehaw:HealthActor .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
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s4ehaw:Activity rdf:type owl:Class ;

rdfs:comment "The activity of a patient/user, i.e. daily and nocturnal activities."@en .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:AlarmCommand rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
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                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:Command .
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s4ehaw:Ban rdf:type owl:Class .

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s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain rdf:type owl:Class .
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s4ehaw:BodySurfaceLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                           rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Caregiver rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                 rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed

s4ehaw:ComputingPower rdf:type owl:Class .

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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Constraint rdf:type owl:Class .
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moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:Contact rdf:type owl:Class ;
               owl:equivalentClass s4ehaw:HealthActor .

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s4ehaw:DailyActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                     rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Activity ;
                     rdfs:comment "The class of activities that occur during daytime."@en .
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s4ehaw:Data rdf:type owl:Class .
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s4ehaw:DeviceType rdf:type owl:Class .
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s4ehaw:EventDrivenCommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction .
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s4ehaw:FunctionalDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:subClassOf saref:FunctionRelated .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed


s4ehaw:HealthActor rdf:type owl:Class ;
                   rdfs:comment "The eHealth system actors like e.g. caregivers, patients, users, helpers..."@en .


s4ehaw:HealthActuator rdf:type owl:Class ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
                    rdfs:label "Health-related Actuator, equivalent to SAREF Actuator" ;

                    owl:equivalentClass saref:Actuator .
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Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:HealthDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                    rdfs:label "Health Device" ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:FunctionRelated .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Helper rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
              rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:BanHub rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
           rdfs:label "BAN Hub" ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
           rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice .
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s4ehaw:Impairment rdf:type owl:Class .
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s4ehaw:ImplantLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location .
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s4ehaw:Interface rdf:type owl:Class .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:LegalConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Constraint ;
                       rdfs:comment "This is an empty container for describing the legal constraints a data can be submitted to, like e.g. anonymization."@en .
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s4ehaw:Location rdf:type owl:Class ;
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                rdfs:comment "The location, i.e. a position against the body (on - body surface – or in the body – implant –) and a physical location (i.e. a postal address and/or a current geolocation geolocation when available)."@en .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:MeasurementCollectionSession rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
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                                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:Task .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
                           rdfs:subClassOf saref:Function .
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s4ehaw:Mode rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
            rdf:comment "The dynamic characteristics of a eHealth Device that vary during its lifetime or its BAN lifetime."@en .
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s4ehaw:NocturnalActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                         rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Activity ;
                         rdfs:comment "The class of activities that occur during the night."@en .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed

s4ehaw:OnRequestCommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                                      rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:OperatingConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                           rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Constraint ;
                           rdfs:comment "This is an empty container for describing the operating constraints of a device, e.g. prescribed humidity and temperature range..."@en .
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s4ehaw:Patient rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
               rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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s4ehaw:PeriodicCommunicationFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                                     rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:CommunicationFunction .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed

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Marc Girod-Genet committed
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Marc Girod-Genet committed

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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:PhysicalLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
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moreiraj committed
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location ;
                        rdfs:comment "The physical location, i.e. a postal address and a geolocation when available."@en .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Posture rdf:type owl:Class .
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moreiraj committed
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moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:PowerSource rdf:type owl:Class .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:RemainderCommand rdf:type owl:Class ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:subClassOf saref:NotifyCommand .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
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Marc Girod-Genet committed

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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ResponsibleParty rdf:type owl:Class ;
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moreiraj committed
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;
                        rdfs:comment "The legal entity responsible for a BAN, i.e. to contact in case of problem"@en .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceGrounding rdf:type owl:Class ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:comment "How to access the service."@en .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceProcess rdf:type owl:Class ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:comment "How the service works."@en .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceProfile rdf:type owl:Class ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:comment "What the service does."@en .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:TimeSeriesMeasurements rdf:type owl:Class ;
                              rdfs:label "Time series measurements" ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                              rdfs:subClassOf saref:Measurement ,
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                                              [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                                owl:onProperty s4ehaw:hasValues ;
                                                owl:allValuesFrom xsd:float
                                              ] ,
                                              [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                                owl:onProperty s4envi:hasFrequencyMeasurement ;
                                                owl:allValuesFrom s4envi:FrequencyMeasurement
                                              ] ;
                              rdfs:comment "A sequence of data in a successive equally spaced points in time. The O&M ontology (ISO 19156) defines Time Series Observation  as an “observation whose result is a time-series”, while both Hl7 aECG and DICOM standards define the Series element as a sequence of data sharing a common frame of reference. In SAREF4health we termed this concept as Time Series Measurements since this sequence of data refers to time series measured by a device.  Notice that in this term we avoided prefixing with ECG because this concept can be applied to other types of data." .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:User rdf:type owl:Class ;
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moreiraj committed
            rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ValidityConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
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moreiraj committed
                          rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Constraint .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:HealthWearable rdf:type owl:Class ;
                     rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
                     rdfs:label "Health-related Wearable, equivalent to SAREF4WEAR Wearable" ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed

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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                     owl:equivalentClass s4wear:Wearable .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
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Marc Girod-Genet committed

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Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:HealthSensor rdf:type owl:Class ;
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Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
                    rdfs:label "Health-related Sensor, equivalent to SAREF Sensor" ;

                    owl:equivalentClass saref:Sensor .
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#    Individuals
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moreiraj committed
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Marc Girod-Genet committed

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s4ehaw:assistedLiving rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                               s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed

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moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:blindImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                s4ehaw:Impairment .
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moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:deafImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                               s4ehaw:Impairment .
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moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:emergency rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                          s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
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moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:exercising rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                           s4ehaw:Posture .
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moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:handlingImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                   s4ehaw:Impairment .
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moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:healthcare rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                           s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
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moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:hearingImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                  s4ehaw:Impairment .
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Marc Girod-Genet committed


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moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:lying rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                      s4ehaw:Posture .


s4ehaw:mobilityImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                   s4ehaw:Impairment .


s4ehaw:pervasiveComputing rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                   s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .

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Marc Girod-Genet committed


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moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:running rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                        s4ehaw:Posture .
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moreiraj committed
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:safety rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                       s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain .
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moreiraj committed
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moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:sitting rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,