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Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:DailyActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                     rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Activity ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                     rdfs:comment "The patient/user activities that occur during daytime."@en ;
                     rdfs:label "Daily activity"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Data rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
            rdfs:comment "A function has one or many data, for example a tracking function shall include latitude, longitude and speed data."@en ;
            rdfs:label "Data"@en .
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
s4ehaw:DataConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
                      rdfs:comment "The Data constraints, e.g. validity, legal..."@en ;
                      rdfs:label "Data constraint"@en .

s4ehaw:DeviceCharacteristic rdf:type owl:Class ;
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                            rdfs:comment "A health device has device characteristic describing the physical characteristics of the health device."@en ;
                            rdfs:label "Device characteristic"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed

s4ehaw:EventDrivenBanCommunicationType rdf:type owl:Class ;
                                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:BanCommunicationType ;
                                       rdfs:comment "BAN communication function way of working of the type event driven."@en ;
                                       rdfs:label "Event driven BAN communication type"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:FunctionalDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:comment "Functional Devices are non-purely eHealth/ageing-well devices that can be used for modelling/detecting activities or behaviours of patients/users, like for example beacons that can detect indoor positioning of a patient in a house."@en ;
                        rdfs:label "Functional device"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Habit rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
             rdfs:comment "Defined for users (that can in particular be patients) habits modelling, e.g. smoking, alcohol drinking, overeating, undereating..."@en ;
             rdfs:label "Habit"@en .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:HealthActor rdf:type owl:Class ;
                   rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Agent ;
                   rdfs:comment "The eHealth actors like e.g. caregivers, patients, users, helpers..."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                   rdfs:label "Health actor"@en .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:HealthActuator rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                      rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:comment "Health-related Actuator, equivalent to SAREF Actuator."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:label "Health actuator"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:HealthDevice rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:comment "Health devices, e.g. BAN hub, health sensor/actuator/Wereable."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:label "Health Device"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed

moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:HealthSensor rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                    rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                    rdfs:comment "Health-related Sensor, equivalent to SAREF Sensor."@en ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:HealthWearable rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthDevice ;
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                      rdfs:comment "Health-related Wearable, equivalent to SAREF4WEAR Wearable."@en ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:Helper rdf:type owl:Class ;
              rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
              rdfs:comment "Helper of patients/users, e.g. a patient's relative."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
              rdfs:label "Helper"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Impairment rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                  rdfs:comment "Defined for users (that can in particular be patients) impairments modelling, e.g. aural impairment, skeletal impairment, ocular impairment, mobility impairment, intellectual impairment. Those non exhaustive impairments are compatible with the World Health Organization classification."@en ;
                  rdfs:label "Impairment"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ImplantLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:comment "Implant Device (i.e. in body health device) position."@en ;
                       rdfs:label "Implant location"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Interface rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                 rdfs:comment "Used for modelling the interfaces of a health device (e.g. Bluetooth, UWB, IEEE 802.15.6, serial interface...)."@en ;
                 rdfs:label "Interface"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:LegalConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
                       rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:DataConstraint ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:comment "An empty container for describing the legal constraints a data can be submitted to, like e.g. anonymization."@en ;
                       rdfs:label "Legal constraint"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Location rdf:type owl:Class ;
                rdfs:comment "The location, i.e. a position against the body (on - body surface – or in the body – implant –) and a physical location (i.e. a postal address and/or a current geolocation when available)."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                rdfs:label "Location"@en .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:MeasurementCollectionSession rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                    rdfs:subClassOf saref:Task ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                    rdfs:comment "Task in which a health actor (mainly a patient or a user) is subject of measurement collection (recording) by both some measurement-related health Device (e.g. Sensor, Wearable, ECG Device...) and a health actor (mainly a caregiver)."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                                    rdfs:label "Measurement collection session"@en .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4ehaw:MeasurementFunction rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           rdfs:subClassOf saref:Function ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           rdfs:comment "The functionality necessary to accomplish the measurement task for which a measurement-related health Device (e.g. Sensor, Wearable, ECG Device...) is designed for, e.g. a heart rate measurement function."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           rdfs:label "Measurement function"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Mode rdf:type owl:Class ;
            rdfs:comment "The dynamic characteristics of a eHealth Device that vary during its lifetime or its BAN lifetime."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
            rdfs:label "Mode"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:NocturnalActivity rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                         rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Activity ;
                         rdfs:comment "The patient/user activities that occur during the night."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                         rdfs:label "Nocturnal activity"@en .
s4ehaw:OnRequestBanCommunicationType rdf:type owl:Class ;
                                     rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:BanCommunicationType ;
                                     rdfs:comment "BAN communication function way of working of the type on request."@en ;
                                     rdfs:label "On request BAN communication type"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:OperatingConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                           rdfs:comment "An empty container for describing the operating constraints of a device, e.g. recommended humidity and temperature range..."@en ;
                           rdfs:label "Operating constraint"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Patient rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
               rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:User ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
               rdfs:comment "A user of the type patient, i.e. a cared-for person by one or multiple caregivers."@en ;
               rdfs:label "Patient"@en .
s4ehaw:PeriodicBanCommunicationType rdf:type owl:Class ;
                                    rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:BanCommunicationType ;
                                    rdfs:comment "BAN communication function way of working of the type periodic."@en ;
                                    rdfs:label "Periodic BAN communication type"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed

Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:PhysicalLocation rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:Location ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:comment "The physical location, i.e. a postal address and a geolocation when available."@en ;
                        rdfs:label "Physical location"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:Posture rdf:type owl:Class ;
               rdfs:subClassOf saref:Property ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
               rdfs:comment "The posture of a health actor (mainly a patient or a user), e.g. exercising, lying, running, sitting, walking..."@en ;
               rdfs:label "Posture"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:PowerSource rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                   rdfs:comment "The power sources of a health device, mainly describing energy source and battery related capabilities of the health device (number of power source, source type, rechargeable or not...)."@en ;
                   rdfs:label "Power source"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ReminderCommand rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                       rdfs:subClassOf saref:NotifyCommand ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:comment "Command used for sending reminder notifications to health actors, e.g. patients, users or Caregivers."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                       rdfs:label "Reminder command"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ResponsibleParty rdf:type owl:Class ;
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
                        rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:comment "The legal entity responsible for a BAN, i.e. to contact in case of problem."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:label "Responsible party"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceGrounding rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                        rdfs:comment "How to access the service."@en ;
                        rdfs:label "Service grounding"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceProcess rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:comment "How the service works."@en ;
                      rdfs:label "Service process"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ServiceProfile rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                      rdfs:comment "What the service does."@en ;
                      rdfs:label "Service profile"@en .
s4ehaw:TimeSeriesMeasurement rdf:type owl:Class ;
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                             rdfs:subClassOf saref:Measurement ,
                                             [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                               owl:onProperty s4ehaw:hasFrequency ;
                                               owl:allValuesFrom saref:Property
                                             ] ,
                                             [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                               owl:onProperty s4ehaw:hasValues ;
                                               owl:allValuesFrom xsd:decimal
                                             ] ;
                             rdfs:comment "A sequence of data in a successive equally spaced points in time. The O&M ontology (ISO 19156) defines Time Series Observation  as an “observation whose result is a time-series”, while both Hl7 aECG and DICOM standards define the Series element as a sequence of data sharing a common frame of reference. In SAREF4health this concept is termed as Time Series Measurements since this sequence of data refers to time series measured by a health device."@en ;
                             rdfs:label "Time series measurement"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:User rdf:type owl:Class ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
            rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:HealthActor ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
            rdfs:comment "A health actor (patient included) that can be equiped with BANs or health devices for monitoring, control, care (specific case of patients) or support purposes."@en ;
            rdfs:label "User"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:ValidityConstraint rdf:type owl:Class ;
                          rdfs:subClassOf s4ehaw:DataConstraint ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                          rdfs:comment "Data may have validity constraint such as allowable value range."@en ;
                          rdfs:label "Validity constraint"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed

moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4envi:Frequency rdf:type owl:Class .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4envi:FrequencyMeasurement rdf:type owl:Class ;
                            rdfs:comment "Represents the measured value made over a frequency property. It is also linked to the frequency unit of measure in which the value is expressed and the timestamp of the measurement."@en ;
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
                            rdfs:isDefinedBy s4envi: ;
                            rdfs:label "Frequency measurement"@en .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
s4envi:FrequencyUnit rdf:type owl:Class .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed
#    Individuals
s4ehaw:AlcoholDrinking rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                       rdfs:comment "Alcohol drinking habit (User level)."@en ;
                       rdfs:label "Alcohol drinking"@en .

s4ehaw:ArmpitLocation rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                               s4ehaw:BodySurfaceLocation ;
                      rdfs:comment "Armpit location, a user body surface location."@en ;
                      rdfs:label "Armpit location"@en .
Marc Girod-Genet's avatar
Marc Girod-Genet committed
s4ehaw:AssistedLiving rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                      rdfs:comment "Assisted living sub-domain for BAN application."@en ;
                      rdfs:label "Assisted living"@en .

s4ehaw:Asthma rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                       s4ehaw:ChronicDisease ;
              rdfs:comment "Asthma, a chronical disease that some users can have."@en ;
              rdfs:label "Asthma"@en .
s4ehaw:AuralImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                       rdfs:comment "Aural impairment (User level), i.e. impairments of auditory sensitivity."@en ;
                       rdfs:label "Aural impairment"@en .

s4ehaw:Diabetes rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                         s4ehaw:ChronicDisease ;
                rdfs:comment "Diabetes, a chronical disease that some users can have."@en ;
                rdfs:label "Diabetes"@en .
s4ehaw:Emergency rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                 rdfs:comment "Emergency sub-domain for BAN application."@en ;
                 rdfs:label "Emergency"@en .
s4ehaw:Exercising rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                  rdfs:comment "Posture of user doing exercises."@en ;
                  rdfs:label "Exercising"@en .
s4ehaw:Healthcare rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                  rdfs:comment "Healthcare domain for BAN application."@en ;
                  rdfs:label "Healthcare"@en .
s4ehaw:IntellectualImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                                       s4ehaw:Impairment ;
                              rdfs:comment "Skeletal impairment (User level), e.g. ..."@en ;
                              rdfs:label "Intellectual impairment"@en .
s4ehaw:Lying rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
             rdfs:comment "Posture of a lying user."@en ;
             rdfs:label "Lying"@en .
s4ehaw:MobilityImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                          rdfs:comment "Mobility impairment (User level)."@en ;
                          rdfs:label "Mobility impairment"@en .
moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed

s4ehaw:OcularImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                        rdfs:comment "Ocular impairment (User level), i.e. impamnents of visual acuity."@en ,
                                     "Ocular impairment (User level)."@en ;
                        rdfs:label "Ocular impairment"@en .
s4ehaw:Old rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                    s4ehaw:AgeCategory ;
           rdfs:comment "Old, one user age category."@en ;
           rdfs:label "Old"@en .

s4ehaw:Overeating rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                  rdfs:comment "Overeating habit (User level)."@en ;
                  rdfs:label "Overeating"@en .
s4ehaw:PervasiveComputing rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                          rdfs:comment "Pervasive computing sub-domain for BAN application."@en ;
                          rdfs:label "Pervasive computing"@en .

s4ehaw:Prevention rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                           s4ehaw:BanApplicationDomain ;
                  rdfs:comment "Prevention sub-domain (e.g. preventive health) for BAN application."@en ;
                  rdfs:label "Prevention"@en .
s4ehaw:Running rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
               rdfs:comment "Posture of a running user."@en ;
               rdfs:label "Running"@en .
s4ehaw:Safety rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
              rdfs:comment "Safety sub-domain for BAN application."@en ;
              rdfs:label "Safety"@en .
s4ehaw:Sitting rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
               rdfs:comment "Posture of a sitting user."@en ;
               rdfs:label "Sitting"@en .
s4ehaw:SkeletalImpairment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                                   s4ehaw:Impairment ;
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                          rdfs:comment "Skeletal impairment (User level), e.g. of head and trunk regions, limbs..."@en ;
                          rdfs:label "Skeletal impairment"@en .
s4ehaw:Smoking rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
               rdfs:comment "Smoking habit (User level)."@en ;
               rdfs:label "Smoking"@en .
s4ehaw:SportTraining rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                     rdfs:comment "Sport training sub-domain for BAN application."@en ;
                     rdfs:label "Sport Training"@en .
s4ehaw:Telemedicine rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                    rdfs:comment "Telemedicine sub-domain for BAN application."@en ;
                    rdfs:label "Telemedicine"@en .

moreiraj's avatar
moreiraj committed

s4ehaw:Undereating rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                   rdfs:comment "Undereating habit (User level)."@en ;
                   rdfs:label "Undereating"@en .
s4ehaw:Walking rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
               rdfs:comment "Posture of a walking user."@en ;
               rdfs:label "Walking"@en .
s4ehaw:WristLocation rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
                              s4ehaw:BodySurfaceLocation ;
                     rdfs:comment "Wrist, a user body surface location."@en ;
                     rdfs:label "Wrist location"@en .
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
s4ehaw:Young rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                      s4ehaw:AgeCategory ;
             rdfs:comment "Young, one user age category."@en ;
             rdfs:label "Young"@en .
dragoni's avatar
dragoni committed
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