W3C Time ontology
Most SAREF extensions use W3C Time ontology, sometimes differently.
It may be imported at the level of SAREF Core directly
- SAREF4ENVI uses the W3C Time Ontology and copies the definition for time:TemporalUnit, but additionally states it’s a subclass of saref:UnitOfMeasure. This is considered a bad practice.
- SAREF4CITY uses the W3C Time Ontology and declares class time:TemporalEntity, time:Instant, and time:Interval. It uses time:TemporalEntity in local restrictions on classes s4city:Event and s4city:KeyPerformanceIndicator.
- SAREF4AGRI uses the W3C Time ontology. It copies the definition of time:Instant, time:Interval, and time:TemporalEntity. Other SAREF ontologies use these concepts, therefore it could be useful to define them at the level of SAREF Core.
- SAREF4AUTO uses the W3C Time ontology. It copies the definition of time:Instant, time:Interval, and time:TemporalEntity, and several properties. Other SAREF ontologies use these concepts, therefore it could be useful to define them at the level of SAREF Core.
- SAREF4WATR uses the W3C Time ontology. It copies the definition of time:DayOWeek, time:Instant, time:Interval, time:TemporalEntity, and time:TemporalDuration, and several properties. Other SAREF ontologies use these concepts, therefore it could be useful to define them at the level of SAREF Core. SAREF4WATR use these concepts in ranges of some properties that apply to the class s4watr:Tariff, which may be interesting to promote to SAREF Core.