W3C Time ontology (saref-portal#50)
SAREF4CITY uses the W3C Time Ontology and declares class time:TemporalEntity, time:Instant, and time:Interval. It uses time:TemporalEntity in local restrictions on classes s4city:Event and s4city:KeyPerformanceIndicator. Proposal:
SAREF Extensions should not promote the use of the W3C Time Ontology for time units over other ontologies of units of measure.
In SAREF Extensions, declare the concepts from W3C Time ontology that are needed, for example:
time:TemporalUnit a owl:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy time: .
time:TemporalEntity a owl:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy time: .
SAREF Extensions should only declare the concepts that they use.
Favour xsd:dateTime and xsd:duration if modeling with DPs could be enough. Especially if only instants are expected.
Remove unused classes time:Instant, and time:Interval
Changes have to be performed in the OWL code, TS, diagrams, documentation, tests and examples