1. 01 Feb, 2023 6 commits
  2. 31 Jan, 2023 28 commits
  3. 30 Jan, 2023 6 commits
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Common scripts: · feadd132
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - prepared preliminary version of script to update code file headers
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      WebUI - Grafana: · f4cc0734
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - updated dashboard to include names instead of UUIDs
      - corrected database/table names
      - corrected default attributes
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Device component: · e67f3597
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - added update of endpoint monitor resources with UUIDs
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Monitoring component: · ff8ebacf
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - Added mapping of UUIDs to names for samples stored in QuestDB
      - Extracted QuestDB from Monitoring component
      - Improved management of device events
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Manifests: · ea8e6350
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - added manifest for QuestDB
      - updated manifest for Monitoring
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Deploy script: · ed71c25c
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - minor comment typos
      - added script to deploy QuestDB
      - updated deploy of Monitoring and QuestDB