Discuss aggregate functions of Property
See also the slideset on the sharepoint
We'll take as running example s4ener:Energy. In this issue we discuss the proper way to model the Max/Min additions, which in this case are added as subclasses:
Comparison: The Ontology of Measurement models these as (Aggregate)Functions. This is a codelist related to a Quantity/Measurement. It contains, among others, the following elements:
- first
- minimum
- sum
- average
- count
- standardDeviation
- nthPercentile
In the Datapoint module we followed a similar design choice by having a hasUsage property on a datapoint. The hasUsage similarly indicated the usage of the datapoint:
- baseline
- lowerlimit
- setpoint
- consumption
Possible direction: As a possible solution we can add a similar object property to our measurements/property to indicate whether some aggregate function or specific usage is indicated. We should then collect the codelist of elements that should be added to it.