TDLtxProjectTemplateProvider.xtend 6.76 KB
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 * generated by Xtext 2.27.0
package org.etsi.mts.tdl.ui.wizard

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.XtextProjectHelper
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.util.PluginProjectFactory
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.wizard.template.IProjectGenerator
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.wizard.template.IProjectTemplateProvider
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.wizard.template.ProjectTemplate

import static org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus.*
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.PluginImageHelper
import java.util.List
import org.etsi.mts.tdl.tx.ui.internal.TxActivator

 * Create a list with all project templates to be shown in the template new project wizard.
 * Each template is able to generate one or more projects. Each project can be configured such that any number of files are included.
class TDLtxProjectTemplateProvider implements IProjectTemplateProvider {
    TDLtxProject project

    TDLtxProjectWithOpenAPI projectWithOpenAPI
	override getProjectTemplates() {
		//#[new TDLtxProject]
		#[project, projectWithOpenAPI]

//TODO: customise
@ProjectTemplate(label="TDLtx", icon="project_template.png", description="<p><b>TDLtx</b></p>
<p>This is a parameterized project for TDLtx. You can set a parameter to modify the content in the generated file
and a parameter to set the path the file is created in.</p><p><img href=\"project_template.png\"/></p>")
final class TDLtxProject {
    //TODO: remove after testing
    val testFile = "/Users/philip-iii/Dev/git/etsi-labs/eg-203647-restful-api-guide/OpenAPI/ExampleAPI.yaml"
	val advanced = check("Advanced:", false)
	val advancedGroup = group("Properties")
	val name = combo("Package Name:", #["Example", "Sample", "Tutorial", "Pack"], "The name of the package", advancedGroup)
	val path = text("Path:", "tdltx_example", "The package path to place the files in", advancedGroup)

    PluginImageHelper pluginImageHelper

	override protected updateVariables() {
		name.enabled = advanced.value
		path.enabled = advanced.value
		if (!advanced.value) {
			name.value = "Example"
			path.value = "tdltx.example"

	override protected validate() {
		if (path.value.matches('[a-z][a-z0-9_.]*(/[a-z][a-z0-9_.]*)*'))
			new Status(ERROR, "Wizard", "'" + path + "' is not a valid package name")
			//TODO: validate data definitions as well

	override generateProjects(IProjectGenerator generator) {
		generator.generate(new PluginProjectFactory => [
			projectName = projectInfo.projectName
			location = projectInfo.locationPath
			//projectNatures += #[JavaCore.NATURE_ID, "org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature", XtextProjectHelper.NATURE_ID]
			//builderIds += #[JavaCore.BUILDER_ID, XtextProjectHelper.BUILDER_ID]
			projectNatures += #[XtextProjectHelper.NATURE_ID]
			builderIds += #[XtextProjectHelper.BUILDER_ID]
			folders += "src"
			//TODO: remove hardcoded import
            addFile('''src/«path»/Wizardry.tdltx''', TemplateContent.Example)
			addFile('''src/«path»/Model.tdltx''', '''
				 * This is an example package
				Package «name» {
				    Import all from Wizardry
				    Type float
    protected override List<Pair<String, Image>> getImages() {
    private def image(String id) {
        id -> pluginImageHelper.getImage('''platform:/plugin/«TxActivator.PLUGIN_ID»/«id»''')

//TODO: customise further, reuse?
@ProjectTemplate(label="TDLtx with OpenAPI", icon="project_template.png", description="<p><b>TDLtx with OpenAPI</b></p>
<p>This is a parameterized project for TDLtx with the option to import data definitions from OpenAPI. 
You can set a parameter to modify the content in the generated file
and a parameter to set the path the file is created in.</p><p><img href=\"project_template.png\"/></p>")
final class TDLtxProjectWithOpenAPI {
    //TODO: remove after testing
    val testFile = "/Users/philip-iii/Dev/git/etsi-labs/eg-203647-restful-api-guide/OpenAPI/ExampleAPI.yaml"
    val advanced = check("Advanced:", false)
    val advancedGroup = group("Properties")
    val name = combo("Package Name:", #["Example", "Sample", "Tutorial", "Pack"], "The name of the package", advancedGroup)
    val path = text("Path:", "tdltx_example", "The package path to place the files in", advancedGroup)
    val dataDefinitionsPath = text("Data DefinitionsPath:", testFile, "The data definitions path to import from", advancedGroup)

    PluginImageHelper pluginImageHelper

    override protected updateVariables() {
        name.enabled = advanced.value
        path.enabled = advanced.value
        dataDefinitionsPath.enabled = advanced.value
        if (!advanced.value) {
            name.value = "Example"
            path.value = "tdltx.example"
            dataDefinitionsPath.value = testFile

    override protected validate() {
        if (path.value.matches('[a-z][a-z0-9_.]*(/[a-z][a-z0-9_.]*)*'))
            new Status(ERROR, "Wizard", "'" + path + "' is not a valid package name")
            //TODO: validate data definitions as well

    override generateProjects(IProjectGenerator generator) {
        generator.generate(new PluginProjectFactory => [
            projectName = projectInfo.projectName
            location = projectInfo.locationPath
            //projectNatures += #[JavaCore.NATURE_ID, "org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature", XtextProjectHelper.NATURE_ID]
            //builderIds += #[JavaCore.BUILDER_ID, XtextProjectHelper.BUILDER_ID]
            projectNatures += #[XtextProjectHelper.NATURE_ID]
            builderIds += #[XtextProjectHelper.BUILDER_ID]
            folders += "src"
            //TODO: remove hardcoded import
            addFile('''src/«path»/Wizardry.tdltx''', TemplateContent.Example)
            addFile('''src/«path»/Model.tdltx''', '''
                 * This is an example package
                Package «name» {
                    Import all from generated_from_ExampleAPI_yaml
                    Import all from Wizardry
             //TODO: add generated and import
             //TODO: deal with missing workspace info
             ConverterNext.process(dataDefinitionsPath.value, "/Users/philip-iii/Dev/workspaces/runtime/2021-06-M3-clean/"+projectInfo.projectName+"/src/imported.tdltx")
    protected override List<Pair<String, Image>> getImages() {
    private def image(String id) {
        id -> pluginImageHelper.getImage('''platform:/plugin/«TxActivator.PLUGIN_ID»/«id»''')