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# TOP: TDL Open source Project

Welcome to the TOP TDL repository.

More info at [TDL website](

## Installing the plug-ins

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carignani committed
The TDL tools are available as a set of Eclipse plug-ins. You need to first be able to run Eclipse. The [Eclipse Neon Modeling Tools]( distribution contains most of the necessary prerequisites for the TDL tools. You will also need to install [Sirius]( and [Xtext]( from the Eclipse Marketplace as the TDL tools depend on them.
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Once Eclipse is up and running, you need to add the [update site]( for the TDL tools: 
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After the update site is added, the list of plug-ins and features shall be shown in the installation dialog (menu item Help->Install New Software..). Select the desired features and proceed with the installation, which will require Eclipse to be restarted once the installation is finished.

Find more detailed information at [Installation wiki](

## Using the plug-ins

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carignani committed
To create a new TDL model by means of the **TDLan2 textual representation**: 

* right click on a project or a folder in the package explorer and select New -> File,
* type the filename ending with `.tdlan2` and 
* the corresponding editor shall be automatically opened.

To create a new TDL model by means of the TDLan2 textual representation for **structured test objectives**:
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* right click on a project or a folder in the package explorer and select New -> File, 
* type the filename ending with `.tplan2` and 
* the corresponding editor shall be automatically opened.

To translate a TDL model from the TDLan2 textual representation to the **XF format** (or the other way around) open the source model and press the <code>T</code> icon on the toolbar. The resulting model shall be stored in the same folder as the source model with the type of the model (`.tdlan2` or `.tdl`) appended to the name of the source model.
More information on using the plugins is available at [Usage wiki](

## Setting up a local environment for development and testing

 * Install following additional components
  * Sirius Specifier Environment
  * Sirius Properties Views - Specifier Support
  * Xtext Complete SDK
 * Check out the repository
 * Import the plug-ins in the Eclipse workspace
 * Generate the meta-model code
  * Open the `tdl.genmodel` 
  * Right click on the top-node and generate model code 
 * Generate textual editor code
Philip Makedonski's avatar
Philip Makedonski committed
  * Open the `GenerateTDLan2.mwe`
  * Right click and select Run As -> MWE2 Workflow
Philip Makedonski's avatar
Philip Makedonski committed
  * Optionally (or alternatively) repeat the same steps for the `GenerateTPLan2.mwe` (for editing structured test objectives)
  * Optionally (or alternatively) repeat the same steps for the `GenerateData.mwe` (for the graphical viewer)