Release 2.0.0
- Defined new automated and configurable deployment scripts
Protocol buffers:
- Added support for monitoring subscriptions and alarms
- Added support for specific service/slice constraints
- Added support for specific ACL config rules
- Added support for policy rules
- Added support for inventory
- Added support for path computation
- Added support for different DLT gateways
- Added support to control internal load generators
Automation component:
- Implemented new methods for zero-touch provisioning of devices
Compute component:
- Added support for IETF L2VPN requests with SLAs
- Added implementation of Slice Management NBI
- Improved NBI for service management using ETSI OSM
Context component:
- Rewritten to enable replication
- Added support for CockroachDB database
- Added support for NATS message broker
- Added support for persisting slices
- Added support for persisting specific constraints
- Added support for persisting specific config rules
- Added support for persisting policy rules
Cybersecurity framework:
- Updated Centralized Attach Detector with Optical and Packet layers
- Updated Centralized Attach Detector to receive notifications of service changes
- Developed new communication channels between modules
- Added support for supervised learning algorithms using Artificial Neural Networks
- Added support for unsupervised learning using DBSCAN algorithms
- Evolution of Attack Mitigator and integrated with Service component
Device component:
- Rewritten to reduce statefulness
- Improved Emulated Driver to support all kind of devices
- Improved OpenConfig Driver
- Added support for L2VPNs in OpenConfig Driver
- Added support for ACLs in OpenConfig Driver
- Improved support for P4 Driver and rule configuration
- Improved support for Transport API
- Added support for Microwave Driver
- Added support for Infinera XR Constellation vis Infinera Pluggable Manager (IPM) controller
- General code improvements
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) component:
- First functional implementation
- Added support for multiple DLT gateways
- Implemented gateways for HyperLedger Fabric
- Implemented DLT connector interfacing with the rest of TeraFlowSDN components
- Implemented support for subscribing to DLT events
Interdomain component:
- First functional implementation supporting direct TeraFlowSDN-to-TeraFlowSDN communication
- Implemented Topology Abstraction logic
- Added support for TeraFlowSDN-to-TeraFlowSDN communication through DLT
Load Generation tool:
- Implemented new load-generation tool for end-to-end testing and stressing the components
Monitoring component:
- Implemented support for subscriptions and alarms
- Migrated to scalable QuestDB time-series database
PathComp component:
- Implemented new scalable path computation component
- Implemented basic Shortest Path and k-Shortest Path algorithms
- Implemented k-Disjoint Paths algorithm
Policy component:
- Revised and implemented new Event-Condition-Action (ECA) policy model
- Added support for device and service specific policy rules
Service component:
- Rewritten to reduce statefulness
- Implemented new task scheduler to support dependencies in multi-layer scenarios
- Added L2-Emulated service handler
- Added L2-OpenConfig service handler
- Added L3-OpenConfig service handler with ACLs
- Added L2-P4 service handler
- Added microwave service handler
- Generalized TAPI service handler to support XR constellation driver
Slice component:
- Initial functional version of the slice component
- Alignment of Slice component with Compute component
Edited by Lluis Gifre Renom