CI pipeline and multiple module fixes
Script deploy/
- Modified port exposing CockroachDB Mgmt GUI to prevent conflicts
Common - MessageBroker - NATS:
- Enabled URI-based settings
- Enabled support for optional authentication
Common - MethodWrappers:
- Added missing "raise" statement in decorator
Common Tools - gRPC Config Rules:
- Added field to select new action for config rules being updated
Context component:
- Enabled URI-based settings for CockroachDB
- Added storage of ACL ConfigRules
- Added support for all Constraint Kinds
- Corrected ConstraintKinds in ConstraintModel
- Corrected UUID composition in ConfigRules to prevent collisions
- Corrected UUID composition in Constraints to prevent collisions
- Corrected classification of ConfigRules to upsert/delete
- Corrected classification of Constraints to upsert/delete
Device component:
- Improved update of ConfigRules to be changed in Context
- Added conditions to prevent reaching the driver when there is nothing to configure/deconfigure
Device component - Emulated driver:
- Minor corrections in unitary tests
Device component - TransportAPI driver:
- Enabled support for HTTP/HTTPS
- Added support for optional authentication
- Improved parsing of SIPs
Monitoring component:
- Added delays in event collection to prevent overloading CPU
- Added missing KPI creation in GetStreamKpi unitary test
- Added log messages in unitary tests for issue traceability
- Added message broker termination statement in unitary tests
PathComp component - Backend:
- Increased number of edges and endpoints per device
- Reduced number of contexts
PathComp component - Frontend:
- Added control of number of endpoints per link
Service component:
- Load service from Context at UpdateService to get correct Context-generated UUIDs
- Added update of ServiceType during UpdateService
- Update ConfigRules in Context when UpdateService is executed
- Defined SettingsHandler class to help in retrieving settings
- Updated ServiceHandlers to use the new SettingsHandler class
Slice component:
- Load slice from Context at UpdateSlice to get correct Context-generated UUIDs
WebUI component:
- Removed UUIDs in topology view
- Replaced list of endpoints in device list page by number of endpoints and number of configured rules
- Added field "name" in Service and Slice list and detail pages
Hackfest - MockOSM:
- Corrected default IP address
- Corrected error retrieval on connection
Hackfest - TAPI server:
- Updated methods to properly retrieve/store connectivity services
Test tools - MockOSM:
- Corrected error retrieval on connection
Edited by Lluis Gifre Renom