DLT component (and related) improvements
- Extended common/object_factory
- Added DLT_GATEWAY ServiceName for test and debug purposes
- Implemented MockMessageBroker for test and debug purposes
- Extended MockServicerImpl_Context with MockMessageBroker and refactored code
- Implemented MockServicerImpl_DltGateway
- Extended deploy.sh script to support DLT components
- Removed unneeded genproto.sh script
- Improved Context/EventsCollector generic client
- Separated DLT component into Connector and Gateway
- Implemented MockBockchain component exposing DLT Gateway API to facilitate debugging
- Implemented/Extended/Corrected Dockerfiles, manifests, etc. for DLT components
- Implemented preliminary version of CI/CD pipeline definition for DLT (still not integrated in pipeline)
DLT Connector:
- Implemented DltConnectorClient
- Implemented DltEventsCollector
- Implemented DltGatewayClient
- Initial (incomplete) implementation of DltConnector
- Initial (incomplete) unitary test for DltConnector
DLT Gateway:
- Extended logic of DltGateway
Edited by Lluis Gifre Renom