NetSoft Hackfest extensions, gNMI Driver, gNMI L3NM Service Handler, multiple fixes
- Added .dockerignore file to accelerate builds
- Improved script example
Hackfest Material:
- Added ContainerLab experiment
- Updated and re-organized TFS descriptors
- Minor updates in manifest files and cleanup
Device component:
- Implemented gNMI Driver (configuration and monitoring)
- Minor cosmetic changes in OpenConfig Driver
Monitoring component:
- Added filter to monitor only enabled endpoints
- Minor bug-fixing
- Changed default sampling rate to 10 seconds
PathComp component - FrontEnd:
- Updated ComposeConfigRules to support /device/settings config rules
- Updated composiion of paths from EROs
Service component:
- Added L3NM Gnmi OpenConfig Service Handler
WebUI component:
- Added gNMI OpenConfig driver options
- Minor cosmetic changes
Edited by Lluis Gifre Renom