Service RecomputeConnections RPC method, Device Controller node pointer and Exclude Constraint
- Context.proto: Added Controller field to Device entity
- Context.proto: Added ServiceStatus UPDATING
- Context.proto: Added Constraint Exclusions
- Service.proto: Added RecomputeConnections RPC method
Common requirements:
- Fixed grpclib package version
Common - Type Checkers - Assertions:
- Added ServiceStatus UPDATING
- Added ServiceStatus SLA_VIOLATED
Context component:
- Added ServiceStatus UPDATING and SLA_VIOLATED
- Added Constraint Exclusions
- Added Controller field to Device entity
Device component:
- Auto-enable devices when Automation component is not deployed
- Updated get/set device controller node
PathComp component - FrontEnd:
- Corrected deepness level of MicroWave devices/controllers
- Updated get device controller node
- Updated K-ShortestPath algorithm with k-inspection and k-return variables.
- Corrected get_reply logic in _Algorithm to support retrieval of multiple connections when KSP algorithm is requested
Policy component:
- Added ServiceStatus UPDATING
- Added ServiceStatus SLA_VIOLATED
Service component:
- Added RecomputeConnections RPC method to client
- Implemented RecomputeConnections RPC method in servicer
- Updated get device controller node in TaskExecutor
- Corrected issue formatting error message in TaskExecutor
- Added method compose_service_connection_update in TaskExecutor
- Implemented test case for RecomputeConnections RPC method
WebUI component:
- Added Controller field to Device details page
Edited by Lluis Gifre Renom