(CTTC) Implement methods create/update/delete for services in the NBI debug-api plugin
- Carlos Manso (CTTC)
- Lluís Guifre (CTTC) [reviewer]
The proposed new functionality extends the Compute/NBI module with the capacity for HTTP GET/POST/UPDATE/DELETE on service objects.
Demo or definition of done
- HTTP GET on already created Services.
- HTTP POST new Services.
- HTTP UPDATE on already created services.
- HTTP DELETE on existing services.
Impacted Components
Compute component Impact
The compute component must be modified in the debug-api
plugin to support these new features.
- Successful HTTP GET on already created Services.
- Successful HTTP POST new Services.
- Successful HTTP UPDATE on already created services.
- Successful HTTP DELETE on existing services.
Edited by Carlos Manso