Naming mistake in device and data models: ONF_TR_352 should be ONF_TR_532
- Michele Milano (SIAE)
- Lluis Gifre (CTTC)
Naming mistake in device and data models: ONF_TR_352 should be ONF_TR_532
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changed milestone to %2022-Q4
added bugconfirmed typebug labels
set weight to 9999
added to epic &1 (closed)
changed milestone to %2023-Q1
changed the description
assigned to @milanom
changed milestone to %2023-Q3
changed epic to &4 (closed)
assigned to @gifrerenom and unassigned @milanom
to address this issue created branch fix/24-naming-mistake-in-device-and-data-models-onf_tr_352-should-be-onf_tr_532
to address this issue
mentioned in merge request !152 (merged)
added bugresolving label and removed bugconfirmed label
removed weight
added comp-context comp-device comp-policy comp-service comp-webui comp-ztp labels
added bugresolved label and removed bugresolving label