KPI Management Enhancements
- Waleed Akbar (CTTC)
- Lluis Gifre (CTTC)
- Update the README file in KPI microservices. (Finalized)
- Finalize the file in KPI microservices. (completed)
- Update the existing exceptions to TFS pre-defined Exceptions
- Update the Prometheus URL. (updated, need to be tested)
- clean the tests and test-messages files. (completed)
Demo or definition of done
- Follow the steps provided in the README file to deploy the service.
- create the environment with file and run the tests
- To be added.
- Curl the endpoint URL to verify the change.
- Run all the available tests to verify the change
This work is funded by the European Commission through the HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022 FLEX-SCALE project with Grant Agreement number 101096909.
Edited by Lluis Gifre Renom