(TID) New PCEP component
- Oscar González de Dios (TID)
- Pablo Armingol (TID)
- Lluis Gifre (CTTC) [reviewer]
Implementation of a PCEP module to obtain the list of LSPs through a connection to a PCC. This module will be incorporated to TFS controller.
The proposal is to have a first version with the basic functionalities to obtain the list of LSPs, and send commands to the PCC to create/modify/delete LSPs.
Future versions will improve the part of creating/modifying/deleting LSPs.
Demo or definition of done
- TFS controller is able to establish connection with the PCC.
- TFS controller is able to read LSPs messages.
- TFS controller is able to send commands to the PCC to create/modify/delete LSPs.
- None
Feature Design (for New-Features)
Clarifications to Expected Behavior Changes
To be completed
To be completed
Impacted Components
List of impacted components: Context, WebUI
Context Impact
To be completed
WebUI Impact
To be completed
To be completed