1. 19 May, 2023 3 commits
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Device component: · 8e898979
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - Added logic to auto-enable devices when Automation component is not deployed
      - Updated retrieval of device controller
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Context component: · 089e08f7
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - Added extensions in Device to point to the controller node of each device
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Proto: · 50e43d79
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - Added controller_id field in Device
  2. 18 May, 2023 9 commits
  3. 16 May, 2023 11 commits
  4. 15 May, 2023 1 commit
  5. 12 May, 2023 16 commits