1. 15 Dec, 2022 1 commit
  2. 13 Dec, 2022 1 commit
  3. 28 Nov, 2022 1 commit
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      Common: · acc602d7
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - fixed show_logs_monitoring script
      - Context Queries: added get_service, get_slice, get_topology methods
      - Context Queries: corrected bug with get inter topology
      - Moved old Build/Load Descriptor scripts to common
      - Fixed retrieval of objects loaded from descriptors
      - Deactivated close of clients in descriptor loader
      - Moved MockOSM library to common tests/tools folder
      Compute component:
      - updated to use new context query methods
      - updated to use new MockOSM location
      OFC'22 tests:
      - updated MockOSM paths
      - updated fixtures
      - added loggers
      - corrected WIM service definitions
      - improved verification of KPIs created and values returned
      - optimized removal of entities
      - optimized service discovery in delete test
      - added on-line logging to tests
  4. 25 Nov, 2022 3 commits
  5. 24 Nov, 2022 2 commits
  6. 23 Nov, 2022 4 commits
  7. 22 Nov, 2022 3 commits
  8. 10 Nov, 2022 1 commit
  9. 09 Nov, 2022 1 commit
  10. 08 Nov, 2022 1 commit
  11. 04 Nov, 2022 2 commits
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      NFV-SDN'22: · 521028be
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - updated deploy_specs per domain to deploy service, slice, and pathcomp
      - updated dump_logs script to dump logs for service, slice and pathcomp
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      NFV-SDN'22: · dad2ba06
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - updated per-domain topology descriptors
      - added inter-domain slice descriptor
      - updated deploy_specs per domain
      - added deploy_logs script
      - re-activated deployment of all domains
  12. 02 Nov, 2022 2 commits
  13. 28 Oct, 2022 1 commit
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      NFV-SDN'22 scenario: · 58d1ae72
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - updated per-domain descriptors
      - deactivated deploy script to deploy a single domain for testing purposes
      - added script to reset components' status
      - (partially) documented scenario and workflows
      - added script to show deploy
  14. 27 Oct, 2022 6 commits
  15. 26 Oct, 2022 3 commits
  16. 25 Oct, 2022 1 commit
  17. 18 Oct, 2022 3 commits
  18. 17 Oct, 2022 1 commit
  19. 14 Oct, 2022 1 commit
  20. 04 Oct, 2022 2 commits
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      ECOC'22 functional test: · 61eff2eb
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - Fixed endpoint UUIDs of OLS device, otherwise cleanup crashes due to different endpoint UUIDs randomly generated.
      - Fixed create/delete service tests
    • Lluis Gifre Renom's avatar
      ECOC'22 functional test: · 8806bbf9
      Lluis Gifre Renom authored
      - Added script to generate topologies and services using DC_CSGW_OLS
      - Corrected script to generate topologies and services using DC_CSGW_TN_OLS
      - Corrected resources imported by functional tests