1. 03 Sep, 2024 1 commit
    • Waleed Akbar's avatar
      Analytics Backend Initial Version · 0c5d2856
      Waleed Akbar authored
      - Added CRDB secret.
      - Added test script.
      - Added `main` and `__init__.py` files.
      - Added Backend Service file.
      - Added Spark Streamer file (successfully consuming streams from Kafka Topics).
      - Added Tests folder and files.
      - Added requirements file.
      - Added ANALYTICS Kafka topics in `common.tools.kafka.variables` file.
  2. 28 Aug, 2024 2 commits
    • Waleed Akbar's avatar
      Changes in Analytic DB and Frontend · 28bf80d3
      Waleed Akbar authored
      - Created the Analytic Engine, Model, and DB files.
      - Added the DB connection.
      - Added `add_row_to_db` in `StartCollector`.
      - Added `delete_db_row_by_id` in `StopCollector`.
      - Improved message formatting.
      - Added a DB test file.
    • Waleed Akbar's avatar
      Changes in Analytics Frontend. · e0a77d5f
      Waleed Akbar authored
      - Actul logic is added in StartAnalyzer method.
      - Actual logic is added in StopAnalyzer method.
      - Improvements in message formats.
  3. 27 Aug, 2024 37 commits