2 merge requests!294Release TeraFlowSDN 4.0,!266Resolve: "Unable to correctly extract the aggregation function names from the dictionary received as parameters in the Analyzer message"
# How to locally run and test Analytic service (To be added soon)
# How to Locally Run and Test Analytic Frontend Service
### Pre-requisets
The following requirements should be fulfilled before the execuation of Telemetry service.
The following requirements should be fulfilled before the execuation of Analytics service.
1. A virtual enviornment exist with all the required packages listed in [requirements.in](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/blob/develop/src/analytics/frontend/requirements.in) sucessfully installed.
2. Verify the creation of required database and table. The
[Analytics DB test](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/blob/develop/src/analytics/tests/test_analytics_db.py) python file lists the functions to create tables and the database.
3. The Analytics backend service should be running.
4. All required Kafka topics must exist. Call `create_all_topics` from the [Kafka class](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/blob/develop/src/common/tools/kafka/Variables.py) to create any topics that do not already exist.
from common.tools.kafka.Variables import KafkaTopic
5. There will be an input stream on the Kafka topic that the Spark Streamer will consume and apply a defined thresholds.
- A JSON encoded string should be generated in the following format:
- The Kafka producer key should be the UUID of the Analyzer used when creating it.
- Use the following Kafka topic to generate the stream: `KafkaTopic.ANALYTICS_RESPONSE.value`.
## Steps to create and start Analyzer
The analyzer can be declared as below but there are many other ways to declare:
The given object creation process for `_create_analyzer` involves defining an instance of the `Analyzer` message from the [gRPC definition](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/blob/feat/194-unable-to-correctly-extract-the-aggregation-function-names-from-the-dictionary-received-as/proto/analytics_frontend.proto) and populating its fields.
from common.proto.analytics_frontend_pb2 import AnalyzerId
_create_analyzer_id = AnalyzerId()
Here is a breakdown of how each field is populated:
### 1. **Analyzer ID**
-`analyzer_id`: This field uses a unique ID to identify the analyzer. In this case, the ID is a UUID.
-`input_kpi_ids`: This is a list of KPI IDs that will be used as input for the analysis. KPI IDs are represented using `KpiId`, and UUIDs are assigned to each input. The Spark streamer assume that the provided KPIs exists in the KPI Descriptor database.
-`output_kpi_ids`: A list of KPI IDs that are produced as output after analysis. Each one is generated and appended to the list.
### 6. **Parameters**
-`parameters`: This is a dictionary containing key-value pairs of various parameters used by the analyzer. These values are often algorithm-specific.
-**Thresholds**: A dictionary containing threshold possible values (min, max, avg, first, last, stdev)_<any_name>. For example: "min_latency", "max_bandwidth", "avg_datarate" etc.
- There is a non-gRPC method in the analyzer frontend called `StartResponseListener(<analyzer_uuid>)`. The `analyzer_uuid` is the UUID of the analyzer provided when calling `StartAnalyzer()`. The following code will log the responses:
-**Output Column Names**: The output JSON string will include two keys for each defined threshold. For example, the `min_latency` threshold will generate two keys: `min_latency_THRESHOLD_FAIL` and `min_latency_THRESHOLD_RAISE`.
-`min_latency_THRESHOLD_FAIL` is triggered if the average latency calculated within the defined window size is less than the specified threshold range.
-`min_latency_THRESHOLD_RAISE` is triggered if the average latency calculated within the defined window size exceeds the specified threshold range.
- The thresholds `min_latency_THRESHOLD_FAIL` and `min_latency_THRESHOLD_RAISE` will have a value of `TRUE` if activated; otherwise, they will be set to `FALSE`.