Commit 8ac130c1 authored by Waleed Akbar's avatar Waleed Akbar
Browse files

Changes in Analytics

- Added `Duration_s` field to the proto file.

- Added `SelectAnalyzer` logic.
- Improved message formatting in the `create_analyzer_filter()` function.
- Added a test case: `test_SelectAnalytics`.

- Renamed the `RunSparkStreamer` method to `StartSparkStreamer`.
- Updated the `StartRequestListener` method to return `(thread, stop_event)`.
- Added a `StopRequestListener` method to stop the listener.

- Added the `select_with_filter` method with actual logic implementation.
- Updated the `ConvertRowToAnalyzer` method to correctly read the `operation_mode` ENUM value.
parent 54e0014b
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