rpc SendInput (L3CentralizedattackdetectorMetrics) returns (Empty) {}
rpc GetOutput (Empty) returns (L3CentralizedattackdetectorModelOutput) {}
Model input sent to the Inferencer by the client
There are currently 9 values and
// Machine learning
float n_packets_server_seconds = 1;
float n_packets_client_seconds = 2;
float n_bits_server_seconds = 3;
float n_bits_client_seconds = 4;
float n_bits_server_n_packets_server = 5;
float n_bits_client_n_packets_client = 6;
float n_packets_server_n_packets_client = 7;
float n_bits_server_n_bits_client = 8;
string ip_o = 9;
string port_o = 10;
string ip_d = 11;
string port_d = 12;
string flow_id = 13;
string protocol = 14;
float time_start = 15;
float time_end = 16;
message L3CentralizedattackdetectorModelOutput {
float confidence = 1;
string timestamp = 2;
string ip_o = 3;
string tag_name = 4;
int32 tag = 5;
string flow_id = 6;
string protocol = 7;
string port_d = 8;
string ml_id = 9;
float time_start = 10;
float time_end = 11;