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Pablo Armingol committed
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Pablo Armingol's avatar
Pablo Armingol committed
# Topology XML File

This section describes the topology file format, used by the TADS to load the abstracted view of the local provider.

The reference file for this description is 


The main tag of the file is **network** that can include multiple **domains**, each domain represents a provider.


In this case the network topology includes two providers.

The first part of the each domain contains some general information:

 - **domain_id**: the AS number of the domain represented in IPv4 format 
 - the **reachability_entry**: that summarizes the prefix network for the provider (IPv4 network prefix and mask)
 - **it_resources**: here the information related to overall IT resources availability is described considering 
  - **controller_it**: the entry point for 5GEx orchestration
  - **cpu**: overall available CPUs
  - **mem**: overall available memory
  - **storage**: overall available storage


Then the file is organized considering a list of nodes and a list unidirectional links.

Each node is represented with a tag **node** and is identified with an IPv4 id called **router_id**


In the reference case 4 nodes are considered.
Each link is identified by the tag **edge**.
The link description include:

 - **source**: the source node of the link, identified with the pair **router_id** and interface id, **if_id**
 - **destination**: the destination node of the link, identified with the pair router_id and interface
 - **TE parameters**: several possibilities are available, in the considered example the focus was on
  - unidirectional link delay
  - minimum experienced delay
  - maximum experienced delay



For setting up default TE parameters for all the network links, the **edgeCommon** tag is used.
