p4_service_handler.py 13.3 KB
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# Copyright 2021-2023 H2020 TeraFlow (https://www.teraflow-h2020.eu/)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

P4 service handler for the TeraFlowSDN controller.
import anytree, json, logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from common.proto.context_pb2 import ConfigActionEnum, ConfigRule, DeviceId, Service
from common.tools.object_factory.ConfigRule import json_config_rule, json_config_rule_delete, json_config_rule_set
from common.tools.object_factory.Device import json_device_id
from common.type_checkers.Checkers import chk_type, chk_length
from service.service.service_handler_api._ServiceHandler import _ServiceHandler
from service.service.service_handler_api.AnyTreeTools import TreeNode, delete_subnode, get_subnode, set_subnode_value
from service.service.task_scheduler.TaskExecutor import TaskExecutor

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def create_rule_set(endpoint_a, endpoint_b):
    return json_config_rule_set(
            'table-name': 'IngressPipeImpl.l2_exact_table',
            'match-fields': [
                    'match-field': 'standard_metadata.ingress_port',
                    'match-value': endpoint_a
            'action-name': 'IngressPipeImpl.set_egress_port',
            'action-params': [
                    'action-param': 'port',
                    'action-value': endpoint_b

def create_rule_del(endpoint_a, endpoint_b):
    return json_config_rule_delete(
            'table-name': 'IngressPipeImpl.l2_exact_table',
            'match-fields': [
                    'match-field': 'standard_metadata.ingress_port',
                    'match-value': endpoint_a
            'action-name': 'IngressPipeImpl.set_egress_port',
            'action-params': [
                    'action-param': 'port',
                    'action-value': endpoint_b

class P4ServiceHandler(_ServiceHandler):
    def __init__(self,
                 service: Service,
                 task_executor : TaskExecutor,
                 **settings) -> None:
        """ Initialize Driver.
                    The service instance (gRPC message) to be managed.
                    An instance of Task Executor providing access to the
                    service handlers factory, the context and device clients,
                    and an internal cache of already-loaded gRPC entities.
                    Extra settings required by the service handler.
        self.__service = service
        self.__task_executor = task_executor # pylint: disable=unused-private-member
    def SetEndpoint(
        self, endpoints : List[Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]]],
        connection_uuid : Optional[str] = None
    ) -> List[Union[bool, Exception]]:
        """ Create/Update service endpoints form a list.
                endpoints: List[Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]]]
                    List of tuples, each containing a device_uuid,
                    endpoint_uuid and, optionally, the topology_uuid
                    of the endpoint to be added.
                connection_uuid : Optional[str]
                    If specified, is the UUID of the connection this endpoint is associated to.
                results: List[Union[bool, Exception]]
                    List of results for endpoint changes requested.
                    Return values must be in the same order as the requested
                    endpoints. If an endpoint is properly added, True must be
                    returned; otherwise, the Exception that is raised during
                    the processing must be returned.
        chk_type('endpoints', endpoints, list)
        if len(endpoints) == 0: return []

        service_uuid = self.__service.service_id.service_uuid.uuid

        history = {}
        results = []
        index = {}
        i = 0
        for endpoint in endpoints:        
            device_uuid, endpoint_uuid = endpoint[0:2] # ignore topology_uuid by now
            if device_uuid in history:       
                    matched_endpoint_uuid = history.pop(device_uuid)
                    device = self.__task_executor.get_device(DeviceId(**json_device_id(device_uuid)))

                    del device.device_config.config_rules[:]

                    # One way
                    rule = create_rule_set(matched_endpoint_uuid, endpoint_uuid) 
                    # The other way
                    rule = create_rule_set(endpoint_uuid, matched_endpoint_uuid) 

                    results[index[device_uuid]] = True
                except Exception as e:
                    LOGGER.exception('Unable to SetEndpoint({:s})'.format(str(endpoint)))
                history[device_uuid] = endpoint_uuid
                index[device_uuid] = i
            i = i+1

        return results

    def DeleteEndpoint(
        self, endpoints : List[Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]]],
        connection_uuid : Optional[str] = None
    ) -> List[Union[bool, Exception]]:
        """ Delete service endpoints form a list.
                endpoints: List[Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]]]
                    List of tuples, each containing a device_uuid,
                    endpoint_uuid, and the topology_uuid of the endpoint
                    to be removed.
                connection_uuid : Optional[str]
                    If specified, is the UUID of the connection this endpoint is associated to.
                results: List[Union[bool, Exception]]
                    List of results for endpoint deletions requested.
                    Return values must be in the same order as the requested
                    endpoints. If an endpoint is properly deleted, True must be
                    returned; otherwise, the Exception that is raised during
                    the processing must be returned.
        chk_type('endpoints', endpoints, list)
        if len(endpoints) == 0: return []

        service_uuid = self.__service.service_id.service_uuid.uuid

        history = {}
        results = []
        index = {}
        i = 0
        for endpoint in endpoints:        
            device_uuid, endpoint_uuid = endpoint[0:2] # ignore topology_uuid by now
            if device_uuid in history:       
                    matched_endpoint_uuid = history.pop(device_uuid)
                    device = self.__task_executor.get_device(DeviceId(**json_device_id(device_uuid)))

                    del device.device_config.config_rules[:]

                    # One way
                    rule = create_rule_del(matched_endpoint_uuid, endpoint_uuid) 
                    # The other way
                    rule = create_rule_del(endpoint_uuid, matched_endpoint_uuid) 

                    results[index[device_uuid]] = True
                except Exception as e:
                    LOGGER.exception('Unable to SetEndpoint({:s})'.format(str(endpoint)))
                history[device_uuid] = endpoint_uuid
                index[device_uuid] = i
            i = i+1

        return results

    def SetConstraint(self, constraints: List[Tuple[str, Any]]) \
            -> List[Union[bool, Exception]]:
        """ Create/Update service constraints.
                constraints: List[Tuple[str, Any]]
                    List of tuples, each containing a constraint_type and the
                    new constraint_value to be set.
                results: List[Union[bool, Exception]]
                    List of results for constraint changes requested.
                    Return values must be in the same order as the requested
                    constraints. If a constraint is properly set, True must be
                    returned; otherwise, the Exception that is raised during
                    the processing must be returned.
        chk_type('constraints', constraints, list)
        if len(constraints) == 0: return []
        msg = '[SetConstraint] Method not implemented. Constraints({:s}) are being ignored.'
        return [True for _ in range(len(constraints))]

    def DeleteConstraint(self, constraints: List[Tuple[str, Any]]) \
            -> List[Union[bool, Exception]]:
        """ Delete service constraints.
                constraints: List[Tuple[str, Any]]
                    List of tuples, each containing a constraint_type pointing
                    to the constraint to be deleted, and a constraint_value
                    containing possible additionally required values to locate
                    the constraint to be removed.
                results: List[Union[bool, Exception]]
                    List of results for constraint deletions requested.
                    Return values must be in the same order as the requested
                    constraints. If a constraint is properly deleted, True must
                    be returned; otherwise, the Exception that is raised during
                    the processing must be returned.
        chk_type('constraints', constraints, list)
        if len(constraints) == 0: return []
        msg = '[DeleteConstraint] Method not implemented. Constraints({:s}) are being ignored.'
        return [True for _ in range(len(constraints))]

    def SetConfig(self, resources: List[Tuple[str, Any]]) \
            -> List[Union[bool, Exception]]:
        """ Create/Update configuration for a list of service resources.
                resources: List[Tuple[str, Any]]
                    List of tuples, each containing a resource_key pointing to
                    the resource to be modified, and a resource_value
                    containing the new value to be set.
                results: List[Union[bool, Exception]]
                    List of results for resource key changes requested.
                    Return values must be in the same order as the requested
                    resource keys. If a resource is properly set, True must be
                    returned; otherwise, the Exception that is raised during
                    the processing must be returned.
        chk_type('resources', resources, list)
        if len(resources) == 0: return []
        msg = '[SetConfig] Method not implemented. Resources({:s}) are being ignored.'
        return [True for _ in range(len(resources))]

    def DeleteConfig(self, resources: List[Tuple[str, Any]]) \
            -> List[Union[bool, Exception]]:
        """ Delete configuration for a list of service resources.
                resources: List[Tuple[str, Any]]
                    List of tuples, each containing a resource_key pointing to
                    the resource to be modified, and a resource_value containing
                    possible additionally required values to locate the value
                    to be removed.
                results: List[Union[bool, Exception]]
                    List of results for resource key deletions requested.
                    Return values must be in the same order as the requested
                    resource keys. If a resource is properly deleted, True must
                    be returned; otherwise, the Exception that is raised during
                    the processing must be returned.
        chk_type('resources', resources, list)
        if len(resources) == 0: return []
        msg = '[SetConfig] Method not implemented. Resources({:s}) are being ignored.'
        return [True for _ in range(len(resources))]