Modeling events
SAREF4CITY contains a content ODP for describing Events. The class s4city:Event describes temporal and scheduled events organized by some agent, that take place at a certain time and at a certain facility. This class discards events that take place in a moving facility such as buses or boats.
SAREF4AGRI defines four DPs with range xsd:dateTime: s4agri:hasPlantDate and s4agri:hasHarvestDate, s4agri:hasBirthDate and s4agri:hasDeathDate.
SAREF4WEAR hijacks SAREF4CITY by defining s4city:Event as a subclass of s4wear:Occurrence.
It may be useful to generalize how events occurring over the lifespan of features of interests are modeled, maybe using a pattern. For example generalizing the class s4city:Event. The kind of event could then be defined by a link to a concept from a code list that depend on the type of feature of interest.