Reconcile ontological types of same-named SAREF entities.
To aid in identifying modelling discrepancies, here is the list of same-named SAREF entities that have differing entity types. The problem is user confusion as to which type of ontological entity to choose between, say either DatatypeProperty or ObjectProperty. [subClassOf relations are indicated within square brackets.] Recall that DatatypeProperty relates individuals to literal data as a range, and ObjectProperty relates individuals to other individuals also by range.
{EntityName Extension EntityType SubClassof/SubPropertyOf} Comment
- {Temperature core owl:Class [saref:Property]} "A saref:Property related to some measurements that are characterized by a certain value that is measured in a temperature unit (degree_Celsius, degree_Fahrenheit, or degree_kelvin)"
- {Temperature saref4watr owl:NamedIndividual [s4watr:AcceptabilityProperty]} "Property of the water indicating its temperature."
- {Temperature saref4wear owl:NamedIndividual [s4wear:EnvironmentalProperty]} "The temperature of the environment."
- {Unknown saref4auto owl:Class [PlatoonState,PlatoonVehicleState]} "A type of state for Platoon or for a Vehicle in a Platoon"
- {Unknown saref4auto owl:NamedIndividual [PlatoonRole]} "A type of platoon role"
- {hasCommand saref4wear owl:DatatypeProperty [domain saref:ActuatingFunction]} "A relationship defining a command triggered by an actuating function."
- {hasCommand core owl:ObjectProperty [domain saref:Function]} "A relationship between a function and a command"
- {hasHeight saref4auto owl:ObjectProperty [saref:hasProperty]} "A relation to express the height of an entity, e.g., a vehicle or an entity in the vehicle environment"
- {hasHeight saref4wear owl:DatatypeProperty [domain s4wear:Wearable]} "A relationship defining the height dimension of a wearable."
- {hasLength saref4wear owl:DatatypeProperty [domain s4wear:Wearable]} "A relationship defining the length dimension of a wearable."
- {hasLength saref4auto owl:ObjectProperty [subPropertyOf saref:hasProperty]} "A relation to express the length of an entity, e.g., a vehicle or an entity in the vehicle environment or a platoon (Length of the platoon is the sum of all vehicles' length + inter-vehicle distance)"
- {hasWidth saref4wear owl:DatatypeProperty [domain s4wear:Wearable]} "A relationship defining the width dimention of a wearable."
- {hasWidth saref4auto owl:ObjectProperty [saref:hasProperty]} "A relation to express the width of an entity, e.g., a vehicle or an entity in the vehicle environment"