Delete entities related to physical objects
- Class s4envi:PhysicalObject, aligned with the DUL top-level ontology.
- Class s4bldg:PhysicalObject, aligned with the DUL top-level ontology. Exact same definition as in SAREF4ENVI, but different axiomatization: s4envi:PhysicalObject ⊑ ∀ s4envi:isContainedIn . s4envi:PhysicalObject, while s4bldg:PhysicalObject ⊑ ∀ s4bldg:isContainedIn. (s4bldg:PhysicalObject ⊔ s4bldg:BuildingSpace)
- SAREF4INMA reuses s4bldg:PhysicalObject
- OP s4bldg:contains has a different definition than s4envi:contains.
- OP s4bldg:isContainedIn has a different definition than s4envi:isContainedIn.
Decision made in ETSI TS 103 264 V3.2.1:
- An instance may be classified as both saref:FeatureOfInterest and geo:SpatialObject.
- The class saref:Device is a sub-class of geo:Feature from the GeoSPARQL standard [8, section 6.2].
In SAREF4ENVI: delete s4envi:PhysicalObject, s4envi:contains, s4envi:isContainedIn