Modelling Operating Constraints
Class OperatingConstraint is defined as: "An empty container for describing the operating constraints of a device, e.g. recommended humidity and temperature range..."@en
Range of OP hasOperatingConstraint "The operating constraints of a health device, e.g. recommended humidity and temperature range..."@en
Suggested change: delete and reuse the SAREF Core pattern for properties
Recommended a saref:Property "The recommended property values for some entity"
MinimumRecommended a saref:Property "The minimum recommended property value for some entity" ; skos:broader Recommended
MaximumRecommended a saref:Property "The maximum recommended property value for some entity" ; skos:broader Recommended
In practice:
<device> a saref:Device ;
hasPropertyValue [ saref:hasValue "10 CEL"^^cdt:ucum ; saref:isValueForProperty <temperature> , <mininmumRecommended> ]