Modelling Impairments
class Impairment is defined as "Defined for users (that can in particular be patients) impairments modelling, e.g. aural impairment, skeletal impairment, ocular impairment, mobility impairment, intellectual impairment. Those non exhaustive impairments are compatible with the World Health Organization classification."@en and has five instances:
- s4ehaw:AuralImpairment rdfs:comment "Aural impairment (User level), i.e. impairments of auditory sensitivity."@en
- s4ehaw:IntellectualImpairment rdfs:comment "Skeletal impairment (User level), e.g. ..."@en
- s4ehaw:MobilityImpairment rdfs:comment "Mobility impairment (User level)."@en
- s4ehaw:OcularImpairment rdfs:comment "Ocular impairment (User level), i.e. impamnents of visual acuity."@en
- s4ehaw:SkeletalImpairment rdfs:comment "Skeletal impairment (User level), e.g. of head and trunk regions, limbs..."@en
Proposed change: use SAREF Core pattern for states
s4ehaw:Impairment rdfs:subClassOf saref:State .
s4ehaw:AuralImpairment a s4ehaw:Impairment .
s4ehaw:MobilityImpairment a s4ehaw:Impairment .
s4ehaw:IntellectualImpairment a s4ehaw:Impairment .
s4ehaw:OcularImpairment a s4ehaw:Impairment .
s4ehaw:SkeletalImpairment a s4ehaw:Impairment .
in practice:
<user> saref:hasState s4ehaw:OcularImpairment
Then the state of interest of the user can be used to qualify further this OcularImpairment .