Modelling BAN application domain
BAN application domain is defined as "The BAN application domain, e.g. healthcare, telemedicine, assisted living, sport training, safety and emergency..."@en and it contains instances
- s4ehaw:AssistedLiving
- s4ehaw:Emergency
- s4ehaw:Healthcare
- s4ehaw:PervasiveComputing
- s4ehaw:Prevention
- s4ehaw:Safety
- s4ehaw:SportTraining
- s4ehaw:Telemedicine
SAREF Core pattern for Tasks seems suitable for this, and should be used instead.
It's the range of OP s4ehaw:hasBanApplicationDomain. This OP could be dropped, as the OP saref:accomplishes can be used instead.
We're left with:
s4ehaw:AssistedLiving a saref:Task .
s4ehaw:Emergency a saref:Task .
s4ehaw:Healthcare a saref:Task .
s4ehaw:PervasiveComputing a saref:Task .
s4ehaw:Prevention a saref:Task .
s4ehaw:Safety a saref:Task .
s4ehaw:SportTraining a saref:Task .
s4ehaw:Telemedicine a saref:Task .