use domains/ranges axioms for clear cases and local restrictions otherwise (saref-portal#23)
(from saref-portal#23)
- use domains/ranges axioms (as constraints if some day we use SHACL) when it's obvious in the local name or the definition of the property --> add that to TS 103 548
- in all other cases, prefer local restrictions on classes
overminCardinality 1
- The definition of the property should be explicit about which class(es) it applies to
- In future development of SAREF, we agree it may be valuable to have SHACL shapes defined, but some extra care must be taken to not start a tedious process where we need to maintain / synchronise two formalisms in parallel.
Define domain/ranges for:
- s4city:hasCalculationPeriod
- s4city:hasKeyPerformanceIndicator
- s4city:involvesFacility
- s4city:isAvailableInLanguage
- s4city:isKPIOf
- s4city:isSubEventOF
- s4city:takesPlaceAtFacility
- s4city:takesPlaceAtPlace
Changes have to be performed in the OWL code, TS, diagrams, documentation and tests.