- Oct 31, 2016
María authored
Added diagrams and partial code for the building example. Still need to implement all properties and datatypes (all for energy and some for location). Still need to remove the properties and datatypes not used. Don’t know what to do about the hierarchies, whether to keep only the last class or the hierarchy (so far the hierarchy is keep only for the branch used)
- Oct 26, 2016
María authored
All entities in bldg annotated. This file can be also considered closed.
- Oct 24, 2016
María authored
rdfs:comment added for all classes in envi
- Oct 22, 2016
María authored
from PositiveInteger to NonNegativeInteger in capacityPeople
María authored
Delete axiom: hortCircuitVoltage only xsd:float Delete UnitaryEquipment
María authored
short circuit voltage changed to object property
María authored
prefix is now s4bldg
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
María authored
Added TTL and RDF/XML files with the provenance information to IFC in BuildingSmart Updates in requirements (needed to generate the provenance triples) Updates in ENVI and BLDG diagrams
- Oct 21, 2016
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Changed property names and types. Removed global restrictions. Added local restrictions.
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Remodelled the location of objects in buildings.
María authored
first version of the bldg with axioms in classes. real ranges and complex numbers should be refined.
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Updated ontology description.
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
María authored
First version of the bldg ontology including clases and properties
- Oct 18, 2016
Raul Garcia-Castro authored
María authored
Raw RDF statements generated from GoogleRefine for the bldg extension. No ontology added yet.