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Maxime Lefrançois committed
PREFIX st:   <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX fun: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
TEMPLATE <footer.rqg>( ?pathToStatic , ?isOntologyDocumentation ) { 

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Maxime Lefrançois committed
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        <p><em>This documentation page was generated automatically using <a href="">SPARQL-Generate</a>, developed by <a href="">Maxime Lefrançois</a>. The <a href="">SAREF public portal</a>, the <a href="">SAREF sources</a> with continuous integration and deployment, the <a href="">SAREF Pipeline</a> software, and ETSI Technical Specification <a href="">TS 103 673 v1.1.1 "SAREF Development Framework and Workflow, Streamlining the Development of SAREF and its Extensions"</a>, have been developed in the context of the <a href="">ETSI STF 578</a>, which followed the <a href="">ETSI STF 556</a>.<em><p>
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