Clarify descriptions of some terms
Some term definitions can be clarified to avoid misunderstandings:
- (The definition of EventFunction is too strict compared to what the name suggests)
- EventFunction - A function that allows to notify another device that a certain threshold value has been exceeded
- Proposal: change definition to: A function that allows to notify another device that some event occurred, for example that a certain threshold value has been exceeded
- (saref:isUsedFor is used to link devices to commodities. Not to control function or command)
- saref:isUsedFor - A relationship specifying the purpose for which a device is used for (e.g., controlling a Commodity)
- Proposal: change definition to: A relationship specifying the commodity for which a device is used for
- (Only properties can be measured in Profiles. Also, no record of usage of Profiles for Commodity in SAREF4ENER the only use of Profile is for the property Power)
- Profile - about a certain Property (e.g., Energy) or Commodity (e.g. Water)
- Proposal: change definition to: about a certain Property (e.g., Energy)
- (Enforces the consistency of the definitions of the functions)
- LevelControlFunction - An actuating function that allows to do level adjustments of an actuator in a certain range (e.g., 0%-100%), such as dimming a light or set the speed of an electric motor.
- Proposal: change definition to: An actuating function that allows to do level adjustments of the property of a device or a feature of interest in a certain range (e.g., 0%-100%), such as dimming the light in a room or setting the speed of an electric motor.
- (hasCommand and isCommandOf are inverse one of another. the subject of a saref:hasCommand relationship will most often be automatically classified as a saref:Function. This may lead to bugs in systems.)
- saref:hasCommand - A relationship between an entity (such as a function) and a command
- saref:isCommandOf - A relationship between a command and a function.
- Proposal: change definition of saref:hasCommand to: A relationship between a function and a command
- Device instances will be linked to function instances. Not function types. If some SAREF user uses them differently, it may lead to interoperability issues.
- saref:hasFunction - A relationship identifying the type of function of a device
- Proposal: change definition to: A relationship identifying the function of a device
- (only saref:Device can be associated with profiles)
- saref:hasProfile - A relationship associating a profile to a certain entity (e.g., a device)
- Proposal: change definition to: A relationship associating a profile to a certain device or feature of interest
- (This is misleading as this is a class, not an instance. There is usually more than one unit of measure for a quantity kind)
- saref:Currency - The unit of measure for price
- Proposal: change definition to: The class of units of measures for price Proposal: To update the term definitions.
Status: agreed during SmartM2M-RG Meeting about 2 NWIs SAREFv3 and SAREF Com Framework V2 2019-04-08