commands can act upon other states
Affects: SAREF
Situation: SAREF contains axioms subClassOf( ?someCommand AllValuesFrom( actsUpon ?someState ) )
. However, for example, an actuating function may act on other states by transitivity (e.g., a heater actsUpon temperature and humidity, as temperature and humidity are coupled). If a user asserts that an actuating function acts on two distinct properties, then the knowledge base will be inconsistent. Other example: an actuating function should also be capable of changing the property of a feature of interest (ex. the temperature of the heater, which may be linked to a state of the heater cold or hot).
Proposal: change the axioms to subClassOf( ?someCommand SomeValuesFrom( actsUpon ?someState ) )
Status: agreed during SmartM2M-3rd RG Meeting about 2 NWIs SAREFv3 and SAREF Com Framework V2 2019-05-09