* Geographic Site Management
* ** TMF API Reference : TMF 674 - Place - Geographic Site Management ### August 2021 This API covers the operations to manage (create, read, delete) sites that can be associated to a customer, an account, a service delivery or other entities. It defines a Site as a convenience class that allows to easily refer to places important to other entities, where a geographic place is the entity that can answer the question “where?”, allowing to determine where things are in relation to the earth\'s surface, and can be represented either in a textual structured way (geographic address) or as a geometry referred to a spatial reference system (geographic location). ### Resources - GeographicSite - Hub ### Operations Geographic Site API performs the following operations : - Retrieve a geographic site or a collection of geographic sites - Create a new site - Update a geographic site - Delete a geographic site - Notify events on geographic site Copyright © TM Forum 2021. All Rights Reserved
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 5.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
import { BaseEvent } from './baseEvent';
import { GeographicSiteEventPayload } from './geographicSiteEventPayload';
export interface GeographicSiteCreateEvent extends BaseEvent {
event?: GeographicSiteEventPayload;