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<img src="images/logos/OpenCAPIF.png" alt="drawing" width="200"/>
# Release 0
The APIs included in release 0.0 are:
- JWT Authentication APIs
- CAPIF Invoker Management API
- CAPIF Publish API
- CAPIF Discover API
- CAPIF Security API
- CAPIF Events API
- CAPIF Provider Management API
Testing Suite of all services with robot.
Also Postman suite to a simple test.

## What is OpenCAPIF?

CAPIF is the “Common API Framework” defined by 3GPP to manage the APIs exposed by 3GPP networks in their northbound interfaces.

CAPIF defines three types of entities:

* API Providers, which are the entities exposing APIs (e.g., NEF)
* API Invokers, which are the entities that consume APIs (e.g., Applications), and
* the CAPIF Core Function, that manages the relationships between the other two.

![CAPIF Core Function](./images/architecture/CAPIF_Core_Function.png "CAPIF Core Function")

The CAPIF Core Function is the cornerstone of the Common API Framework and provides the following capabilities:

* Authenticating the API Invoker based on its identity and other information;
* Supporting mutual authentication with the API Invoker;
* Providing authorization for the API Invoker prior to accessing the exposed APIs;
* Publishing, storing, and supporting the discovery of service APIs information;
* Controlling the service API access based on PLMN operator configured policies;
* Storing the logs for the service API invocations and providing the service API invocation logs to authorized entities;
* Charging based on the logs of the service API invocations;
* Monitoring the service API invocations;
* Onboarding a new API Invoker and offboarding an API Invoker;
* Storing policy configurations related to CAPIF and service APIs;
* Support accessing the logs for auditing (e.g., detecting abuse); and
* Support publishing and discovery of service APIs information among CAPIF Core Function (CAPIF interconnection).

The following diagram shows how API Invokers and API Providers interact with the CAPIF Core Function to Register in CAPIF, Publish APIs, Discover APIs and Consume APIs. It is important to highlight that the CAPIF Core Function is not a classical API Gateway. The API consumption takes place directly between the API Invoker and the API Provider. Therefore, CAPIF does not impact API performance in API consumption between API Invokers and API Providers.

![Flow](./images/architecture/msg_flow.png "Flow")

If you want to know more about OpenCAPIF check [The story behind openCAPIF](

## Repository structure

You can check the code at [OpenCAPIF Repository]

│    └───test_plan
│    └───testing_with_postman
* **services**: Services developed following CAPIF API specifications. Also, other complementary services (e.g., NGINX and JWTauth services for the authentication of API consuming entities).
* **tools**: Auxiliary tools. Robot Framework related code and OpenAPI scripts.
* **test**: Tests developed using Robot Framework.

* **docs**: Documents related to the code in the repository.
  * images: images used in the repository
  * test_plan: test plan descriptions for each API service referring to the test that are executed with the Robot Framework.
  * testing_with_postman: auxiliary JSON file needed for the Postman-based examples.

## CAPIF_API_Services

This repository has the python-flask Mockup servers created with openapi-generator related with CAPIF APIS defined here:
[Open API Descriptions of 3GPP 5G APIs]

## How to test CAPIF APIs

The above APIs can be tested either with POSTMAN tool or running developed tests with Robot Framework.

## Test Plan Documentation

Complete documentation of tests is here: [Test Plan Directory]

## Robot Framework

In order to ensure modifications over CAPIF services still accomplish the required functionality, Robot Framework test suite must be success.

Test suite implemented accomplish requirements described under test plan at [Test Plan Directory] folder.

Please go to [Testing with Robot Framework] Section

## Using PostMan

You can test the CAPIF flow using the Postman tool. To do this, we have created a collection with some examples of CAPIF requests with everything necessary to carry them out.

For more information on how to test the APIs with POSTMAN, go to this [POSTMAN Section].

## Important urls:

## Mongo CAPIF's DB Dashboard
http://localhost:8082/ (if accessed from localhost) 


http://<Mongo CAPIF Express Host IP>:8082/ (if accessed from another host)

## Mongo Register's DB Dashboard
http://localhost:8083/ (if accessed from localhost) 


http://<Mongo Register Express Host IP>:8083/ (if accessed from another host)

## FAQ Documentation

Frequently asked questions can be found here: [FAQ Section]

[Test Plan Directory]: ./testing/testplan/  "Test Plan Directory"
[Testing with Robot Framework]: ./testing/robotframework/  "Testing with Robot Framework"
[FAQ Section]: ./ "FAQ Section"

[Open API Descriptions of 3GPP 5G APIs]:  "Open API Descriptions of 3GPP 5G APIs"
[OpenCAPIF Repository]: "OpenCAPIF Repository"
[POSTMAN Section]: ./testing/postman/ "POSTMAN Section"