PATCH on publish must sent only SERVICE_API_UPDATE if AEFs status not change
PATCH or UPDATE must send SERVICE_API_UPDATE always but in some transitions must send also SERVICE_API_AVAILABLE and SERVICE_API_UNAVAILABLE.
Publish service must send SERVICE_API_AVAILABLE in PATCH or PUT when this operation raises a change from SERVICE_API_UNAVAILABLE, as example, published but with all AEFs not available (apiStatusMonitoring active, with empty aefIds array inside apiStatus parameter) provider send a PATCH or UPDATE that makes one AEF available, then this service api is available because it's ready at least in one AEF.
Publish service must send SERVICE_API_UNAVAILABLE in PATCH or PUT when this operation raises a change from SERVICE_API_AVAILABLE, as example, published with one AEFs ready (apiStatusMonitoring active, with one aefId array inside apiStatus parameter) provider send a PATCH or UPDATE with empty array on apiStatus, this makes service api unavailable, then this service api is uavailable because it's not ready at any AEF.