Search a way to expose public certs and internally use self signed
After some tests we are in this point with public certificates:
- We can expose public certifcates if we setup passthrough in deployment to false for register and CCF.
- If we setup this passthrough to false in deployment of ccf (at nginx), after get certificates signed by CCF at onboarding, next request using those certificates will be forwarded to CCF (nginx) without client certs.
We can explore some way to force ingress-nginx of platform to copy certificated if them are present on request to forwarded request.
If we manage to forward the client certificates in request, then we can expose public valid certificates (not self signed) and client certificates managed by CCF to enable interaction with it.
On the other hand, if we can't manage those certificates,we must use passthrough to true at deployment, and then we will expose self-signed certificates.
Edited by Jorge Moratinos