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Backup archive process

When you run the backup command, a backup script creates a backup archive file to store your GitLab data.

To create the archive file, the backup script:

  1. Extracts the previous backup archive file, when you're doing an incremental backup.
  2. Updates or generates the backup archive file.
  3. Runs all backup sub-tasks to:
  4. Archives the backup staging area into a tar file.
  5. Uploads the new backup archive to the object storage, if configured.
  6. Cleans up the archived backup staging directory files.

Back up the database

To back up the database, the db sub-task:

  1. Uses pg_dump to create an SQL dump.
  2. Pipes the output of pg_dump through gzip and creates a compressed SQL file.
  3. Saves the file to the backup staging directory.

Back up Git repositories

To back up Git repositories, the repositories sub-task:

  1. Informs gitaly-backup which repositories to back up.

  2. Runs gitaly-backup to:

    • Call a series of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) on Gitaly.
    • Collect the backup data for each repository.
  3. Streams the collected data into a directory structure in the backup staging directory.

The following diagram illustrates the process:

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
    box Backup host
        participant Repositories sub-task
        participant gitaly-backup

    Repositories sub-task->>+gitaly-backup: List of repositories

    loop Each repository
        gitaly-backup->>+Gitaly: ListRefs request
        Gitaly->>-gitaly-backup: List of Git references

        gitaly-backup->>+Gitaly: CreateBundleFromRefList request
        Gitaly->>-gitaly-backup: Git bundle file

        gitaly-backup->>+Gitaly: GetCustomHooks request
        Gitaly->>-gitaly-backup: Custom hooks archive

    gitaly-backup->>-Repositories sub-task: Success/failure

Gitaly Cluster configured storages are backed up in the same way as standalone Gitaly instances.

  • When Gitaly Cluster receives the RPC calls from gitaly-backup, it rebuilds its own database.
    • There is no need to backup the Gitaly Cluster database separately.
  • Each repository is backed up only once, regardless of the replication factor, because backups operate through RPCs.

Server-side backups

Server-side repository backups are an efficient way to back up Git repositories. The advantages of this method are:

  • Data is not transmitted through RPCs from Gitaly.
  • Server-side backups require less network transfer.
  • Disk storage on the machine running the backup Rake task is not required.

To back up Gitaly on the server-side, the repositories sub-task:

  1. Runs gitaly-backup to make a single RPC call for each repository.
  2. Triggers the Gitaly node storing the physical repository to upload backup data to object storage.
  3. Links the backups stored on object storage to the created backup archive using a backup ID.

The following diagram illustrates the process:

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
    box Backup host
        participant Repositories sub-task
        participant gitaly-backup

    Repositories sub-task->>+gitaly-backup: List of repositories

    loop Each repository
        gitaly-backup->>+Gitaly: BackupRepository request

        Gitaly->>+Object-storage: Git references file
        Object-storage->>-Gitaly: Success/failure

        Gitaly->>+Object-storage: Git bundle file
        Object-storage->>-Gitaly: Success/failure

        Gitaly->>+Object-storage: Custom hooks archive
        Object-storage->>-Gitaly: Success/failure

        Gitaly->>+Object-storage: Backup manifest file
        Object-storage->>-Gitaly: Success/failure

        Gitaly->>-gitaly-backup: Success/failure

    gitaly-backup->>-Repositories sub-task: Success/failure

Back up files

The following sub-tasks back up files:

  • uploads: Attachments
  • builds: CI/CD job output logs
  • artifacts: CI/CD job artifacts
  • pages: Page content
  • lfs: LFS objects
  • terraform_state: Terraform states
  • registry: Container registry images
  • packages: Packages
  • ci_secure_files: Project-level secure files
  • external_diffs: Merge request diffs (when stored externally)

Each sub-task identifies a set of files in a task-specific directory and:

  1. Creates an archive of the identified files using the tar utility.
  2. Compresses the archive through gzip without saving to disk.
  3. Saves the tar file to the backup staging directory.

Because backups are created from live instances, files might be modified during the backup process. In this case, an alternate strategy can be used to back up files. The rsync utility creates a copy of the files to back up and passes them to tar for archiving.

If you are using this strategy, the machine running the backup Rake task must have sufficient storage for both the copied files and the compressed archive.

Backup ID

Backup IDs are unique identifiers for backup archives. These IDs are crucial when you need to restore GitLab, and multiple backup archives are available.

Backup archives are saved in a directory specified by the backup_path setting in the config/gitlab.yml file. The default location is /var/opt/gitlab/backups.

The backup ID is composed of:

  • Timestamp of backup creation
  • Date (YYYY_MM_DD)
  • GitLab version
  • GitLab edition

The following is an example backup ID: 1493107454_2018_04_25_10.6.4-ce

Backup filename

By default, the filename follows the <backup-id>_gitlab_backup.tar structure. For example, 1493107454_2018_04_25_10.6.4-ce_gitlab_backup.tar.

Backup information file

The backup information file, backup_information.yml, saves all the backup inputs that are not included in the backup. The file is saved in the backup staging directory. Sub-tasks use this file to determine how to restore and link data in the backup with external services like server-side repository backups.

The backup information file includes the following:

  • The time the backup was created.
  • The GitLab version that generated the backup.
  • Other specified options. For example, skipped sub-tasks.

Backup staging directory

The backup staging directory is a temporary storage location used during the backup and restore processes. This directory:

  • Stores backup artifacts before creating the GitLab backup archive.
  • Extracts backup archives before restoring a backup or creating an incremental backup.

The backup staging directory is the same directory where completed backup archives are created. When creating an untarred backup, the backup artifacts remain in this directory, and no archive is created.

The following is an example of a backup staging directory that contains an untarred backup:

├── 1701728344_2023_12_04_16.7.0-pre_gitlab_backup.tar
├── 1701728447_2023_12_04_16.7.0-pre_gitlab_backup.tar
├── artifacts.tar.gz
├── backup_information.yml
├── builds.tar.gz
├── ci_secure_files.tar.gz
├── db
│   ├── ci_database.sql.gz
│   └── database.sql.gz
├── lfs.tar.gz
├── packages.tar.gz
├── pages.tar.gz
├── repositories
│   ├── manifests/
│   ├── @hashed/
│   └── @snippets/
├── terraform_state.tar.gz
└── uploads.tar.gz