ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability and the TeraFlowSDN community are organizing the first **TFS Hackfest** on **20 October 2022**. The event will be held during the **[Network X](https://networkxevent.com/)** event in Amsterdam, Netherlands, following the [ETSI OSM-MR#13 Hackfest](https://osm.etsi.org/wikipub/index.php/OSM-MR13_Hackfest) on 18-19 October 2022.
ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability and the TeraFlowSDN community are organizing the first **TFS Hackfest** on **20 October 2022**. The event will be held during the **[Network X](https://networkxevent.com/)** event in Amsterdam, Netherlands, following the [ETSI OSM-MR#13 Hackfest](https://osm.etsi.org/wikipub/index.php/OSM-MR13_Hackfest) on 18-19 October 2022.