example.py 2.8 KB
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Class and utilities to parse and export examples of data models in TOSCA
import re
import traceback

from docx.text.paragraph import Paragraph

class Example():

    def __init__(self, filename, text):
        self.filename = filename
        self.text = text

def is_start_of_example(line: str):
    Returns true if the line marks the start of an examples.
    Check if lines starts with "tosca_definitions_version:"
    if not isinstance(line, str):
        raise ValueError("NOT A STRING")

    return line.startswith("tosca_definitions_version:")

def is_body_of_example(line: str):
    Returns true if the line is part of the body of an example.
    return line == "" or \
            line.startswith(".") or \
            line.startswith("#") or \
            line.startswith(" ") or \
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def get_example_file_name(line: str):
    Looks for the YAML filename in the line of text
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    matches = re.search(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*.yaml', line)
    if matches is not None:
        return matches.group(0)
    return ""

def is_heading(txt :str):
    Returns true if text is a heading, i.e. the text starts with 'A.'
    (Previously this predicate was used: ("Heading" in line.style.name) but 
    not all headings have the correct style
    return txt.startswith("A.")

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def parse_all_examples(txt):
    Parses TOSCA examples. Txt is a list of Docx items (Paragraph, etc.).
    Returns a list of Example objects

    res = []
    new_example = ""
    filename = ""
    i = 1
    clause = ""
    for line in txt:
        if isinstance(line, Paragraph):
            linetext = str(line.text)
            if is_heading(linetext):
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                clause = linetext.split("\t")[0]
                i = 1
        elif isinstance(line, str):
            linetext = line

        if is_start_of_example(linetext):
            filename = get_example_file_name(previous_line) 
            if filename == "":
                filename = "{:02d}".format(i) + ".yaml" 
                i = i + 1
            filename = clause+"-"+filename
            new_example = "# " + filename + "\n" + linetext
        elif new_example != "" and is_body_of_example(linetext):
            new_example = new_example + "\n" + linetext
        elif len(new_example) > 0:
            res.append(Example(filename, new_example))
            new_example = ""

        previous_line = linetext

    return res

def generate_examples_between(a_id, b_id, content, EXAMPLES):

        examples = parse_all_examples(content[a_id:b_id])
        track = traceback.format_exc()
        return 0

    for example in examples:
        EXAMPLES[example.filename] = example

    return len(examples)