*This repository is part of the outcomes of the Specialist Task Force 620 focusing on the authoring of a World Representation as part of the ETSI ISG Augmented Reality Framework architecture (*
*The set of the World Representation authoring components includes:*
*• The C++ and C# source code for servers and clients generated from OpenAPI available here (*
*• A Unity plugin and a Unity editor for authoring and accessing a World Representation hosted on a World Storage server.*
*All these components are available under the ETSI Labs group “World Storage API Helpers”:*
*If you wish to contribute to this project or any other projects in the context of the [ETSI ISG Augmented Reality Framework architecture](, please refer to the ["How to get involved in an ISG" section on the ETSI website](*
This is a small project generating the C# client code and DLLs for the ISG ARF World Storage.
# How to checkout
This project contains a submodule. This submodule contains the OpenAPI specification of the ISG ARF World Storage. To correctly compile the project you also need to checkout the submodule. See git submodules ( for more information.
The simplest way to check out the project including the submodule is to use the following command:
git clone --recurse-submodules
# How to update the API specification
The referenced submodule contains the OpenAPI specification of the ISG ARF World Storage. To checkout the newest version of it use the following commands:
git checkout master
cd ..
# Preparing the yaml file (merging)
Before generating the code you must put all referenced YAML file together, otherwies you will get an error in NSwag.For this, we uses a custom tool 'openapi-merger'. This tool only includes file-referenced ref shemas, and do not change local ones (as 'swagger-merger' will do!).
npm install -g openapi-merger
## Patching the openfile JS command
If you have some white char in your path/filename, openapi-merger will failed because of an error with the %20 (white pace) in the pathname. To avoid this, please add a line to the js script 'yaml.js' located in your npm path e.g.
In the readYAML function, the first line:
function readYAML(filePath) {
filePath = filePath.replace ("%20", " "); // White-space bug fixe provided by SylR (FraunhoferHHI)
const str = "" + fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8");
return yaml.load(str);
## Using it
To start the merging go into the definition folder of the API and execute this:
cd openapi/API/worldstorage
npx openapi-merger -i worldstorageopenapi.yaml -o worldstorageopenapi_merged.yaml
and also here:
cd openapi/API/worldanalysis
npx openapi-merger -i worldanalysisopenapi.yaml -o worldanalysisopenapi_merged.yaml
Don't forget to change the filename in the JSON config file for NSwag to the merged one!!!
# Installing NSwag
npm install nswag -g
You can check the version with
To generate the c# code use the following commands:
nswag run WorldStorageNSwag.json
nswag run WorldAnalysisNSwag.json
The generated C# modules (one per definition file) are then contained in the folder `client/csharp-nswag`.
# How to proceed then?
Copy the cs file(s) to your CSharp project or Unity asset folder
## Unity
Add the NewtonSoft package:
"com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "3.2.1",
Change the Unity prefs to use the NET Framework (not only 2.1)
Add a file "csc.rsp":