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# Description of version 0.0.3

auto-generated ASP.NET server code

includes description and code for a fully functional server with MongoDB integration

# Generate or update the server

In the following, we distinguish between a server code generation from scratch and an update of an existing solution


# First generation 

We provide a zip-file `` with a folder structure and some files to simplify your work. 

If you want to use it unpack `` in this folder and continue with the instruction for an [update](#update).

Otherwise skip the unzip operation and continue with the next step (if you like to, you can compare your version with the one in the zip-file afterwards)

The zip-file contains:
* server/src/Org.OpenAPITools/Dockerfile - a corrected Dockerfile
* server/src/Org.OpenAPITools/docker-compose.yml - for a stack of server and MongoDB
* server/src/Org.OpenAPITools/Startup.cs - the adapted original auto-generated file
* server/src/Org.OpenAPITools/appsettings.json - added database settings to the appsettings.json
* server/src/Org.OpenAPITools/Services/ - contains C# code for accessing MongoDB
* server/src/Org.OpenAPITools/ControllersImpl/ - for c# classes inherting classes from /src/Org.OpenAPITools/Controllers/
* server/src/Org.OpenAPITools/docker/ - contains appsettings.json for the use in docker and folder data-dump for later dumping the database for transfer if desired 
* server/programs/ - contains a readme.txt about how to install and run MongoDB for Windows
* server/data/ - empty folder for the databases of MongoDB 
* server/.openapi-generator-ignore - to prevent openapi-generator to override these files

## auto-generate server code
open a command shell and execute
  openapi-generator-cli generate -i OpenAPI.yaml -g aspnetcore -o server

## set files to ignore
open the file `.openapi-generator-ignore` in server 

add the following file and folder entries:


## In Visual Studio:
open `NuGet Package Manager` and add `MongoDB.Driver`

### - folder `Controllers`: 
copy all files from `Controllers` to `ControllersImpl`
In all files in the folder `Controllers` change `public class` to `public abstract class`

### - folder `ControllersImpl`:
change classnames by appending `Impl` to the original classnames (and change filenames accordingly) and inherit from original class in `Controllers`

and replace `virtual` by `override` with all methods. 

  using Org.OpenAPITools.Services;
  using MongoDB.Driver;

Add a private readonly service class variable, e.g.
  private readonly TrackableService _trackableService;

Add a constructor with this service class variable, e.g.
  public TrackablesApiControllerImpl(TrackableService trackableService)
    _trackableService = trackableService;

remove sample code and replace it by using the appropriate methods of the corresponding classes in the folder `Services`

### - folder `Models`:
in the files add: 
  using MongoDB.Bson;
  using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;

at the value that is to become the Database ID, add:

### - folder `Services`
contains one class with the DatabaseSettings and one with the database-access-methods (create, get, update, remove) for each API

the naming in the DatabaseSettings is the same as defined in `appsettings.json `

### - file `startup.cs`
  using Org.OpenAPITools.Services;
  using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization;
  using MongoDB.Bson;
  using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Serializers;
  using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

add the following code in `public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)`: 
  BsonSerializer.RegisterSerializer(new GuidSerializer(GuidRepresentation.Standard));
  BsonDefaults.GuidRepresentationMode = GuidRepresentationMode.V3;
  // requires using Microsoft.Extensions.Options
  services.Configure<**insert classname of DatabaseSettings in Services**>(
          Configuration.GetSection(nameof(**insert classname of DatabaseSettings in Services**)));
  services.AddSingleton<**insert interface of DatabaseSettings in Services**>(sp =>
          sp.GetRequiredService<IOptions<**insert classname of DatabaseSettings in Services**>>().Value);
  services.AddSingleton<**insert classname of service class in Services**>();

  opts.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
  opts.SerializerSettings.Converters.Add(new StringEnumConverter
    NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy()
  opts.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver();

### - file `appsettings.json`
add Database settings in `appsettings.json`, like 
  "TrackableDatabaseSettings": {
    "CollectionName": "Trackables",
    "ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
    "DatabaseName": "TrackablesDatabase"

## MongoDB
if you don't have a MongoDB add the folders 
* server/programs/MongoDB (for MongoDB)
* server/data/ (to store database of MongoDB)

and put MongoDB in folder `server/programs/MongoDB` (download MongoDB as zip-file from and unzip the file into this directory, so that the bin-directory is in this folder) 


# Update
## File adaptations:
change version number in all files if a new version is provided

### - folder `Controllers`: 
change `public class` to `public abstract class`

compare files in `ControllersImpl` with the corresponding files in `Controllers` 

methods should be the same with `override` instead of `virtual`

### - folder `Models`:
  using MongoDB.Bson;
  using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;

at the value that is to become the MongoDB ID, add:

### Solution
open `NuGet Package Manager` and add `MongoDB.Driver`


# Use in Visual Studio
make sure, that in instance of MongoDB is running (have a look in the above mentioned zip-file ``: in the sub-folder `programs/MongoDB` you find a description, of how to install and run MongoDB for Windows)

start application with IIS Express


# Use in Docker
remove the substring `src/Org.OpenAPITools/` in Dockerfile (if not already done)

open a command shell and generate docker by executing in `server/src/Org.OpenAPITools`:
  docker build -t org.openapitools .

## to start:
open a command shell and use docker-compose (if necessary adapt docker-compose.yml) by executing in `server/src/Org.OpenAPITools`:
  docker-compose up 

## to stop:
open a command shell by executing in `server/src/Org.OpenAPITools`:
  docker-compose down

## to dump database 
execute the following command in docker:
  mongodump --db **insert database_name** --out /data-dump/`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`

## to import database:
execute the following command in docker:
  mongorestore --db **insert database_name** **insert path_to_bson_file**