#TDL Meta-Model (Merged) ##Prerequisites * All elements shall contain a name * names shown as default in Papyrus may be misleading) ## Updating and merging * Delete `tdl.uml` (and `org.etsi.mts.tdl`) * Copy `tdl_metamodel.uml` to `tdl.uml` * Open `tdl.uml` with the UML Editor * Select the root package (TDL) * Select the Merge command from the menu (UML Editor -> Package -> Merge) * Use the default properties in the dialog * Open `tdl.genmodel` * Select Reload in the menu (Generator -> Reload...) ## Generating * Open `tdl.genmodel` * Select `Tdl` package from the root * In the properties view set `Prefix` to `tdl` and `Base Package` to `org.etsi.mts` * Save * Right-click on the `tdl` package and select Generate Model Code ## Exporting XMI schema * Right-click on the `tdl.genmodel` and select Export Model... * Select "XML Schema for XMI" in the dialog, press "Next" two times * Select both packages (`tdl` and `types`) and press "Finish" * The TDL schema is generated in the `tdlXMI.xsd` file