Project bugs go through a review, confirmation, and resolution process.
To report a Bug, TFS uses the issues on its GitLab code repository.
**Important**: New bugs must be properly documented. Please, provide details on:
- the details on the deployment environment (Operating System, MicroK8s, etc.)
- the TeraFlowSDN version (or branch/commit)
- the TFS deployment settings (components, particular configurations, etc.)
- the particular sequence of actions that resulted in the bug
- the TFS components affected by the bug (if you know them)
- the expected behavior (if you know it)
Without this minimal information, it will/might be difficult to reproduce and resolve the bug, as well as validating the completeness of the solution.
# Steps:
1. Go to [New Issue](https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/issues/new) page `https://labs.etsi.org/rep/tfs/controller/-/issues/new`.
- You need to be authenticated.
2. Create a New Issue for your bug
- Title: A concise high level description of your bug (see some other examples in GitLab)
- Type: Issue
- Description: Choose the "bug" project template and fill-in the auto-generated template describing the bug.
- Labels:
- Select the type of request: `type::bug`
- If you foresee the components affected by the bug, pick the appropriate labels for them.
- Component labels have the form `comp-<component-name>`.
- PLEASE: Do not set other types of labels (to be set by TSC).
- PLEASE: Do not set the following fields (to be set by TSC): EPIC, Assignee, Milestone, Weight, Due Date
- Submit the Issue
3. Interact with the TSC and the Community through the issue.
- TSC will review your reported bug and try to reproduce it. If we succeed in reproducing it, we will mark it as confirmed, and include its resolution in the development plans. Otherwise, TSC will provide questions for clarification. |